There's A Lot Of Gladness Going On

So guess who called me yesterday afternoon wanting to hang out? None other than the Little Chickita. And despite my "Good riddance to bad rubbish" spiel that I gave in my last entry, I did decide to take her up on her offer. But, um... oh, never again. Never ever again. All I listened to for a full 3 hours was her complaining about this guy who didn't call her. She is just such a stereotype, she is everything that men hate about women, I swear she is. And she's petty as hell. At one point she was trying to convince herself that she didn't care that he didn't call, so she was all like "Well... he's not that attractive. And he doesn't drive. So I don't really like him that much." Great. So shut up already. But, of course, she never did.

But we went to the mall, and you'll never in a million years guess who I saw. I mean... if you cared enough to try and guess, you'd never be able to. But I know none of you actually really care. Anyways... I saw Aunt DOS. It was weird. She was standing outside of the fitting rooms at one store... apparently Cousin Prissy McPriss was in there trying on bathing suits. Now there's a sight. Anyways, I talked to her for a few minutes while the Little Chickita just stood there because, goddammit, I've had to put up with that kind of thing with her several times now, it's about time that she had to wait for me while I talked to someone. So there. Anyways, I felt better after that. Not because I actually had a whole lot of desire to chat with Aunt DOS, but because I'm just such a vengeful little thing.

Anyways... despite him hanging out in a completely different part of the building now, I managed to see RSGM twice today at work. And here I was thinking that I'd never see him again, and he'd soon be forgotten by me. Anyways, the second time I saw him we talked for a while and... yeah. Good times. I hadn't talked to him at all in the past week or so. Anyways, yeah, we just chatted for a few minutes and when he had to go back to work, he just said "I'll see you soon." and when I replied "Well, I hope so." he said "Oh, I will." Ooooooooooooooh. I kinda liked the sound of that.

And Creepy Supervisor is back! Praise the Lord! He didn't die. I'm glad. I've missed the creepy. I don't know what it is, because he really is creepy as hell, but... damn, I love that guy. I really do. Soooo glad he's back. And he came to talk to me today, and he said that he was glad that he was still my supervisor (because when he left for his vaycay, I was originally supposed to be moving over to someone else's command, as you may remember... but probably don't) because, as he said, "I already know you rock." Yay! It seems like so many of the other supervisors there do nothing but tear their employees new ones all day. I love that this guy is just so encouraging. So glad he's back.

2006-06-05 at 1:58 p.m.