How Very Homosexual Of You

Hello slaves.

So I spent yesterday afternoon after work pretending that I could actually hold my own in the kitchen, and I made pasta salad and hard boiled eggs. I'm quite impressed with myself. It was the first time I've made something without either burning myself, making a huge mess, swearing at my can opener, or ending up with something totally not fit for human consumption. My pasta salad, although it looks extremely bland and colourless, is extremely tasty. And the hard boiled eggs are definitely hard boiled, so that makes them a success as well. Yay to that.

I was talking to the Little Chickita last night on MSN for the first time in quite a while. I don't really talk to her or even see her much anymore. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Well, we don't have any common days off anymore, and I work at ass o'clock in the morning while she does the late shift so... yeah. Last night she had to tell me all about how she's wasting her time pining for some other asshole now who won't call her. It's like that's all she does. But she was all like "Oooh, you and I should hang out tonight!" And it was about 6:30 when we were chatting, and I was honestly about ready to hit the hay, so I said that I couldn't because I had to get up at 4:00 the next morning for work, to which she replied with a typical "That's gay." Have I ever mentioned how much it pisses me off when people say that? People who say "That's retarded" really get to me too, but not quite as much as "That's gay." Saying shit like that is so immature. Grow the fuck up.

Yeah, it's so much better to be like me and just throw out random obscenities all over the place. Oh yes. Hey... I never said I was a role model.

So I don't know when the hell Creepy Supervisor is coming back. I thought he was supposed to be back already. Maybe he quit. It seems like people at work are always quitting. Either that or they're switching departments. Did I mention that RSGM has gone over to the dark side? Yeah. Bye bye man pretty. Well, I'll probably go over to the dark side someday too, it pays better over there, but things seem more hectic. I have a hard enough time not having 20 heart attacks per day as it is, without purposely putting myself into a situation that's even more stressful. The department that you can transfer to after working for the dark side for a little while, though, seems like it'll be like working on Easy Street, which is why RSGM wanted to make this move. I don't know if it's worth it, though. But then again, I have distinct plans of quitting this place entirely at the drop of a hat, should something even remotely better come along.

Still waiting for that, though.

2006-06-04 at 1:55 p.m.