Not Dead. Still Trying.

So it's been a few days. I know the first thought in a few people's heads must have been "Oh my god. It's been more than 24 hours since her last entry. She must have died." Well... that's almost true. Tuesday was just such a boring uneventful day that I just didn't have a damn thing to write about at all. Then on Wednesday right after work, I left for Nutty McShitville. And I just got back this afternoon. So... there you go. That explains my uncharacteristic absence.

Did you need more info?

Well, okay. My mom came down here and picked me up right after work on Wednesday. After a brief detour to pick up some Kentucky Fried Grease, we were on the road to Nutty McShitville. Good times all around. It's funny all of the little things that have changed there since I was last there for my birthday. The grocery store in the mall is in the process of shutting down. One of the town's bakeries is, for some reason, remodelling itself to look like a barn. And my parents have completely torn apart their dining room. Like I said, good times all around.

I didn't actually dooooo anything in Nutty McShitville though. Saw my grandma a few times. Hung out with my two little kitties. Went to both exciting malls that the Greater Nutty McShitville area has to offer. And walked around downtown. So basically, it was just exactly what I would have done here on my weekend, except moved slightly northward and with my mom to hang out with. But at least it was a change of pace.

Then I took the train home this afternoon. The train, as always, cracks me up. First of all, it's absolutely incapable of ever being on time. The times that they print on the ticket are just a very rough guideline of when you might possibly expect to leave and arrive. And, of course, all of the small town folk who love to run up to the train and wave as you go by are hilarious. Except as soon as we got into Cracktown, it seemed to be nothing but idiots standing near the tracks, giving the finger. Which tells you a lot about Cracktown.

And now I'm home. I'm exhausted and greasy and in need of food. Basically the only food I have is the bag of cookies my mom made me to bring home, and I am just NOT in the mood to go out again. So I guess it's cookies for supper. But you know what? This is a funny yet scary little fact I just found out... I've lost an additional 20 pounds since I moved to Cracktown. 20 goddamn pounds. Oh yay. I had no idea that I'd lost that much weight, though. But both my parents, as soon as they saw me, said "You've lost weight." I need to fatten myself up a little bit again. Because that's not cool. I was at my perfect weight before I got here. I didn't need to lose any more.

2006-06-02 at 4:03 p.m.