I'm Sure I Missed Some Hospital Horror Story Or A Ship Full Of Drugs

My god, work today was some new kind of painful. I looked like a complete idiot so many times, I made an armful of really stupid mistakes, and it was just generally bad all around. Although I did find out officially that Creepy Supervisor is still my supervisor. And I was told that by the guy who was supposed to be my supervisor. Apparently his last day is tomorrow, hense why his entire crew got assigned to other people. So what the hell he was doing in today with no employees to look after, I have no idea. However, the impression I got from him, if he were actually going to be my supervisor, for those who were playing the Supervisor Nickname game, he definitely would have been Stoner Supervisor. Aw man. Put. The Bong. Down.

These peanuts that I'm eating right now are making me cough a lot. Maybe I should stop.

Yesterday afternoon I ended up napping for, like, 2 hours. And taking a nap may always seem like a good idea at the time, but it always ends up not working out very well. It's funny how often I end up feeling extremely nauseated after waking up from a nap. Also, I slept right through the news. Missing the news makes me cranky. And I woke up just as I was supposed to meet my mom on MSN. So I wake up in a panic, and I'm all nauseous and groggy and cranky and I sign onto MSN, where my mom proceeds to piss me off all over the place. That may have just been because of how I was feeling going into it, I dunno. But I swear, every time we talk on MSN I'll tell her something about my day and she'll respond with an "Okay. So what else is there to talk about?" Certain things don't translate into instant messaging the way they're supposed to, and that may be one of them, but it certainly comes across as very rude and like she doesn't really care about what I'm saying. I'd like to think that isn't her intention, but... well, I don't know.

I am excited about going back to Nutty McShitville this "weekend", though. I get to see the kitties! And I also get to eat some real food. Yay to that. I just hope it isn't as horribly boring as the last time I went back.

2006-05-29 at 1:58 p.m.