I'm Still Better Than Her

How goes the battle, people? My battle's going okay. I'm still hacking up a lung every few minutes or so, but other than that... yeah. I'm okay.

Work today was fine. It went by very quickly. Nothing went too horribly wrong, and the only thing that did end up going slightly wrong was not my fault in the least, and I happen to think I handled it quite well if I do say so myself. I'm almost getting used to this job now. Although I'm sure somebody thinks I need to work on my empathy a bit more.

I just ate a crap load of cookies just now. I'm not proud of myself. Those were supposed to be for snacking on at work. Ooooh, they tasted so good, though. Every time I try a new kind of cookie I'm all like "These are the greatest cookies EVER!!!" These are no exception. I think I just kind of like cookies in general.

Heeeey, I talked to RSGM twice today. I was on my first break and decided to just go outside and wander around and all of a sudden there he was, just coming in to work. And I totally didn't even notice him until he asked me if I was on a break or if I had just quit in disgust. So we stood outside and talked for a few minutes, then we walked back in together and that would have been all good enough for me, right? I mean, that was enough of a RSGM dosage to last me a couple days.

But then I saw him again on my next break, our breaks ended up overlapping, and he came up to me and said "If you leave work right now, I'll seriously consider leaving too." I thought that was a little random, but yet interesting. So I said that wasn't good enough, he'd have to guarantee that he was going to leave too. But he couldn't promise me that, so I didn't do it. But then after I went back to work I was wondering... had he actually said "You. Me. Let's leave. NOW.", would I actually sacrifice my perfect attendence for him? You know what's sad? Yeah, I probably would. I've practically been on my death bed for the past couple of days, but I've still shown up and stayed for my whole shift. However, a request from the man pretty to skip out of work early... yeah, I'd probably say fuck the perfect attendence bonus.

Then, also on one of my breaks I went out and saw the Little Chickita's makeout buddy. I recognized him from the pictures she sent, and also because he was just a little shorty and I've heard more than a few times about his lack of height. The Little Chickita's all crazy and upset now because she heard a rumour that he had a girlfriend. I think it's funny, though. Make out with random men, and that's the risk you take.

Okay, now I feel sick from all the cookies. Serves me right, I guess.

2006-05-21 at 3:57 p.m.