Famous Last Words

I don't feel so good. There's probably a few reasons for this. First of all... I had cookies for supper last night, cookies for breakfast this morning, and then KFC for lunch. Have I mentioned my severe case of scurvy? And also... I just dyed my hair. It's been at least 3 years since the last time I dyed my hair. I used to be a hair dye fiend. But now I remember why I stopped... because of the 17 hours you have to spend in the shower washing it all out. "Rinse until water runs clear." Yeah, that takes approximately 17 hours. I almost died in the shower just now. And who knows how long it would have taken someone to find my bloated rotten corpse? That's not how I want to go. As well, my throat started hurting yesterday evening, and it's getting progressively worse. I think I really am on my death bed. Oh well.

I decided on a trip to the Good Mall today. It wasn't great. I felt depressed the entire time. I don't know why. I shouldn't have felt depressed. It's my Saturday, and I love the Good Mall. But... yeah. Good times were not had by me. Waste of time.

I really really feel extremely sick right now.

I kinda want to do something wicked crazy tomorrow, to make up for the fact that I'm disappointed with today. But I don't know what. And I probably won't do anything. I've come to the conclusion that I'm pretty lame. Not as lame as I used to be, though. But still pretty damn lame.

The Little Chickita wants to pick me up after work on Saturday and show me her "make out buddy". She thinks that he gets off work the same time that I do. She originally wanted to pick me up after work tomorrow but... I don't know how many times I've had to tell her that I don't work Fridays. She's always asking me when my weekend is, but yet I've managed to remember when her's is. I suppose that makes me a better person. But last night she called me after she got off work at 10:00 and she was like "What are you still doing up?" What was she doing calling me if she thought I'd be asleep? I would have been pissed off if she called me when I was asleep. But yeah, she had, yet again, forgotten that it was my weekend. I drank about a litre of Coke last night, so I was awake until about midnight. But I usually pack it in around 9:00 or so. The ass o'clock shift tends to do that to people.

2006-05-18 at 3:53 p.m.