Because It's Fun To Judge Other People While Conveniently Forgetting The Questionable Things I've Done

Alright, so I finally found out what it was that the Little Chickita so desperately needed to tell me about her weekend. And it was exactly what I thought it would be. She got drunk, and made out with some guy. Good for her. That seems to be her thing. She's such a funny little creature. She's a good Christian girl, you know, so she won't go all the way until she's married. But yet underage drinking and making out with random men is fine. Is that in the bible somewhere? Thou shall disobey provincial alcohol laws and shove thy tongue down a stranger's throat? Yeah, actually, I do believe I remember reading that in there.

I think it's really great and funny, though, don't get me wrong. And what's even better is that this guy apparently works at the same place we do. As I was leaving work this afternoon, the Little Chickita stopped me and said "If you go by that room over there, you'll see him. The guy in the red shirt." Well, I didn't see any guy in a red shirt. I'm sure I'll see him someday, though. I'm sure she will not rest until I actually see this guy, even if she has to march me right up to him herself.

Work today sucked so much. Pretty much everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. It was bad. If I experience another day like today at any time, I will quit on the spot.

And, hey, Creepy Supervisor reached a new level of creepy today. He was teasing me about something and I was being a smart ass in return, and he was all like "You're so cute." Ooooh, should I sue for sexual harassment? I could probably get away with that. And I could use the money. But, no, I won't. Actually, despite his 110% creepyness, I rather like the guy. He's good people. But did I mention the creepy? Yeah, man, he's creepy. And I was thinking... he kind of looks like he should be the villain in a Batman movie or something. Seriously.

Last night I went out and bought groceries, so I actually have food again. Having food is nice. I was sick and tired of starving all the time. I bought cookies. Gooooood cookies, man. I've decided, though, that I really need to hire someone to carry my groceries home for me. I think that's why I always seem to put off grocery shopping, because I just, in general, really hate carrying things. Carrying things really sucks.

Enough of me for today. I think I need more cookies now.

2006-05-16 at 3:48 p.m.