Isn't It Weird?

Alright! So I've been tagged by notanias to list 6 weird things about myself. I think I've done this before, however it's been a while and I'm pretty sure that entry no longer exists so... here we go.

1) After I go to bed, I almost always get up again to make sure that the door is locked, even though I always keep it locked, unless I'm in the process of opening it. But even though I know it's locked, I can't get to sleep unless I get up and check it again.

2) I'm either extremely focused or very easily distracted, and never anything in between. I also can't control when I'm either of those things. It's annoying.

3) Due to many of my things being cast-offs from other people, I have three styles of glasses that I use, and each one has a certain kind of drink that it's always used for. The tall glasses are always for water, the brandy-style glasses are either Coke or milk, and the other ones are for juice. It's the law.

4) They say that you can't actually get addicted to chapstick/lip gloss, but I'm pretty sure I've proven that theory wrong. I feel like I'm dying if I don't have one or both of those on me at all times.

5) I've gotten to the point where I will put almost anything in a grilled cheese sandwich. It's all good.

6) I strongly dislike saying my own name. I don't know why. I like my name, I just don't like saying it. And the wonderful irony is that my job requires me to say my name several times a day. Doesn't get any easier, though.

Anyways, there you go. Am I weird? Perhaps. Anyways, I'm not going to tag anyone specifically do to this, but if you wanna... go ahead.

Not a whole lot else to report. Apparently the party last night blew. My mom said, and I quote, that it was "one hell of a crappy party" and that Aunt DOS' friends are "weird". Somehow that doesn't surprise me. And my day at work today was okay. It started off with me getting yelled at by someone, but it progressively got better. And uh... yeah. That's pretty much it.

2006-05-14 at 3:46 p.m.