And May My Death Come Quickly

I'm trying to figure out if putting a hot dog weiner inside a grilled cheese sandwich is a good idea. Well... nutrition-wise, it likely isn't. However, taste-wise... well, I think it's the best idea I've had in a while. I do believe I'm going to have to try.

Anyways, my day at work was, essentially, pure unadulterated hell. People were either being complete pricks, or they had unimaginably difficult requests. Luckily never both at the same time, though. That probably would have been a bit too much to handle. But... yeah. I'm not impressed by today. On Wednesday I was all like "Yay! I rock! I love this job! I want to work here forever!" but now I'm right back to hating it and wanting to quit as soon as possible. It's amazing, the large array of feelings this job brings out in me. Often all in the same day too.

So you know what I'm missing tonight? Aunt DOS's 50th birthday party. And I'm oh so sad about this too. *sarcasm* You know what it's going to be? It's going to be over 30 people jammed into the Grandparents' house. 30! And their house ain't that big. Well, I guess it's a nice day and the people could spill out into the yard or something, but still. That's a lot of people. Yeah, so sorry I'm missing that one. Even if I could somehow magically be there, I doubt anyone would notice me in the sea of people. My mom said she's not looking forward to this at all. I look forward to hearing from her afterwards, though. She'll probably have some interesting stories.

I kind of feel like my throat and my sinuses are both closing up at the same time, making it extremely difficult to breathe and, therefore, to live. Not liking this too much. Maybe a hot dog in a grilled cheese sandwich will cure me.

I eat so much bad shit, it's not even funny. I will likely die soon.

2006-05-13 at 3:50 p.m.