Are You A Good Witch Or A Bad Witch?

Wow, downtown is exciting. I see so many people. I should go there more often. Except not, because downtown is also surprisingly boring. But, you know, it's my "Saturday" and I wanted to do something and, really, the two choices are either downtown or the Good Mall. And I had actually just been to both yesterday. But I decided to go downtown again this morning, just because I don't go there as often as I go to the Good Mall. And... yeah. That's basically it. I wasn't there all that long. And it appeared to be Field Trip Day for, like, every kid in the school district. Well, I noticed a couple of shindig-y type things going on in the downtown area. Not totally sure what either one was about. But those may explain the busloads of kids I saw.

Downtown does borderline on freaking me out, though. But it's good to have the fear in me. I saw this one shirtless fat guy being dealt with by a couple of policemen. It was almost like a scene from Cops, except the policemen were on bicycles and had their little helmets on, which is so not hardcore at all. I like policemen and I like bicycles and I like policemen on bicycles, but there's just something so laughable about bike cops.

And, you know... like I said in yesterday's entry, I hung out with the Little Chickita yesterday afternoon/early evening and even though shortly after hanging out with her I'm all like "That was fun", the more I think about it later on, the more I realize just how much she pisses me off. I just had to comment on that.

And you know what? I didn't watch any TV yesterday. At all. And so far today I haven't watched any TV either. Well, except for about 5 seconds of the Weather Network this morning before I went out. But I've probably missed out on a lot of somethings by not watching TV. I'll make up for this later.

2006-05-11 at 1:18 p.m.