And Hey, Did I Mention...

According to my mom, the former Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man (who apparently is neighbourhood-y again?) is now at that other TV station. Cracktown bureau chief. I'm impressed. But does anyone, besides my mom, actually watch that other channel's news?

Know what kept me going all day today at work? The thought of Ramen noodles for supper. Oh yes. When I went grocery shopping last night, I finally bought me some more Ramen noodles. And when I got home it was all I could do to keep myself from cooking them up right away. What is it with me, anyway? I shouldn't be such a big fan. Enough sodium in there to kill a man. I remember when I was in grade 3 and eating those things uncooked was all the rage, the teacher gave the class a big lecture saying "Nutritionally, you'd be better off eating the packaging than the noodles themselves." That's probably true. But damn, they're tasty.

It's like that urban legend... or at least I think it's an urban legend, although I suppose it could be true... about that college kid who consumed nothing but Ramen noodles and coffee for an entire year, and ended up getting scurvy. That sounds like good times. I'm halfway to a case of scurvy right now anyway.

Work today was frustrating. I want to meet up with the person who designed that one computer program that we use so much and beat them to within an inch of their life. No program should spaz out as much as that one does. They obviously designed it that way on purpose to make people's lives difficult. I don't think that was very nice.

And I talked to RSGM today, but is that even news anymore? I'm not sure. Well, I guess the fact that I managed to talk to him without saying anything ridiculously stupid to him is news. The only thing was... well, I was just finishing my break right before he was about to start, which is often the case, so I just coincidently happened to find myself near where he hangs out (heh heh, yeah... it was a coincidence...) and I was just all like "You don't mind if I hang out here for a few minutes do you?" and he said it was fine. But then I said "Yeah, but would you actually tell me if you did mind?" He didn't seem to know how to answer that. But he did assure me that he didn't actually mind at all. Uh... sure. Well, whatever. I'm going to keep chatting with the guy whenever I can until he actually does come right out and tell me to fuck off, just because it's enjoyable for me.

It appeared that the Little Chickita was not at work today. I wonder why. Maybe she quit. She wants to quit too. I think everyone at this job, secretly or not so secretly, wants to quit. Or maybe she's just sick. Or maybe she spent the entire night awake, dwelling on some asshole... like the last time she didn't show up for work. Well, whatever. I don't really care. Just thought I'd mention it. Because I like mentioning things in here. Mentioning things is fun.

2006-05-09 at 3:49 p.m.