Prepare To Die

Heh heh. I've almost got enough amusing Google hits again to make doing up an entry for them worthwhile. People crack me up, the things they search for. And that's including the person who's come to my diary, like, 7 times now searching for "revenge of the emu diaryland". And, yes, I'm watching you. I'm watching you all.

Creepy enough for ya?

Anyways... work. Work was fine. Although I do manage to reach new levels of profanity every day. But, um... this job tends to bring that out in people. I lost track of the number of instances I ended up muttering "Stupid motherfucker" under my breath. It had to be at least 1500 times, though.

I'm extremely anxious to know what stupid-assed shift I'm going to get stuck with next. I'm really trying for the same or almost the same shift that I have now, but it probably won't happen. I've grown quite fond of the whole Thursday-Friday weekend thing that I'm even willing to take a slightly later starting time if I can keep it. But I have no doubt that I'm going to end up with some whack-job shift that will piss me off to the point of quitting. The power of positive thinking.

Maybe I should finally make that damn Tuna Helper-ish thing. It's not actually Tuna Helper. I've gotten cheap. Too cheap to buy real Tuna Helper. But I was looking at the box for this generic stuff and... well, it looks exactly the fucking same. And it was a lot cheaper. So, there you go. However, it's also been sitting in the cupboard doing nothing for a couple weeks now because I'm too lazy. That's a whole new level of lazy, by the way, being too lazy to make that stuff. Because it's pretty simple. Except for the whole having to open the can of tuna thing. But then again, that's just because the can opener is my arch nemesis. Most regular humans don't have a problem with that sort of thing.

Yep yep yep. So... I will shower. Make food. Watch news. Chat with mother on MSN. Die slow painful death. Sounds like a fun evening, don't it?

2006-05-07 at 3:51 p.m.