And You Know I Hate Chocolate

So today is pay day and when I logged onto the banking website to see how much I got, I couldn't help but wonder... where's the rest? And that's not just me being funny, saying "Oh, they don't pay me enough for this stupid job." No. Seriously... I should have gotten paid more than that. I was trying to figure out if, with the shift change, I ended up losing a day but... no, I don't think that's it. So seriously, unless there's something I'm forgetting here, I'm missing at least one day's pay. And, um... yeah, that bothers me. And it's something I'm going to have to look into.

The Little Chickita and I are doing something this afternoon. She's going to call me after she gets back from the gym or whatever the hell thing it is that she's doing. Fun fun fun. Well, maybe. It's something to do, at least. I'm pretty bored.

This morning I wanted to do laundry but then I discovered that I had litterally no loonies. Toonies from hell, but no loonies. So, and this was very hard for me, as I'm sure you can imagine... I had to take one of my toonies and go buy a chocolate bar, so that I could get a loonie back in change that I could put towards doing my laundry. And I cried the entire time I ate that tasty chocolate bar, because it was a cruel fate that I had to subject myself to such a thing.

I've been feeling extremely confident these past couple of days. A confidence that, if I had been at work, I could put towards something more productive besides strutting around town like I own the place. So let's hope this lasts through tomorrow. I might actually accomplish something.

When I was out strutting this morning on my way to buy that chocolate bar, this cute little English couple pulled over and asked me where the "station" was. And I'm all like "Uh... the station?" For some reason that didn't register with me. They meant the train station, of course. When I figured that out, I said "Oh! That's downtown." And they were like "Are we not downtown?" Um... no. So I pointed in the general direction of downtown, and they were all pleased and stuff. But it's so funny how often I get asked for directions when I'm out. Especially when I'm out strutting. I seriously just must be one of those people who looks like they know where they're going. But like I've said before... I'm really not. Hell... I almost tried to open the wrong apartment door yet again this morning. What does that tell you?

Oh, and a couple of days ago I applied for a Visa. I'm currently taking bets on whether or not I'll actually get accepted. Well, every once in a while you hear about a baby or a dog or something getting their own credit card, so I figure I probably have a pretty good chance. I have more of a good credit history than a dog does, I'm sure.

2006-05-05 at 2:32 p.m.