Remember That I Already Told You I'm Not Crazy

There's this woman at work... I don't know what it is, but just something about her voice makes me want to smash her face in. I resist that urge, though. That's the important thing. I can't be prosecuted for things that only happen inside my head.

I was right about that person I was talking to yesterday quitting. Somehow I managed to correctly piece together the thousands of little bits she told me during various parts of the day. But, yeah, she's gone. She got a better job. I'm madly jealous.

And RSGM is still way across the damn room. Every once in a while I get a glimpse of the top of his gelled head, but that's it. Oh, well I did talk to him briefly a couple of times today. I asked him if it was any more fun over where he was, and he assured me it wasn't. I'm half tempted to move over there anyway, for a few reasons. One: all of the computers in my area seem to be slowly dying, and I can only assume mine will be next, and it will probably be at the worst possible time. Two: yeah, I'm going to end up killing that woman soon. Three: my supervisor staring at me all the time creeps me out. Four: massive amounts of man pretty. Five: it's fun to ask RSGM questions all day long. Six: massive amounts of man pretty.

And, of course, Seven: massive amounts of man pretty.

Apparently, and this may be a sign that my computer at work is on its way out... I haven't been being monitored the way I'm supposed to. Creepy Supervisor was talking to me about that today. He was almost acting like I was doing something to prevent the proper monitoring from taking place. First of all... that's too brilliant of an idea for me to come up with. He's giving me too much credit. And also... even if I had thought of that and somehow knew how to trick the system, I wouldn't do it. Obviously they notice if you're not being monitored, and talk to you about it. So what would be the point? Anyways, Creepy Supervisor was baffled, so he just sat there staring at me for a while like that was somehow going to fix the problem. Did I mention that he's creepy as hell?

2006-04-25 at 3:29 p.m.