The Object's Temperature Is Excessively Warm

Because I'm sure all of you were secretly afraid that I was going to fall back into old habits and become a total recluse again... just to let you know, on Friday night I'm hanging out at my place with that girl I mentioned in my last entry... we're gonna order a pizza and rent a movie or something like that... and then I'm going over to her place on Easter Sunday. The thing is, though... yeah, she's nice enough and all that but... I'm still not really sure if I like her. There's something about her that kind of rubs me the wrong way. But I'm sure that, after this weekend, I'll have a definite feeling one way or another.

I was never really a recluse anyway, assholes. I was just going through a phase.

And don't you love how I assume you think certain things about me, and then call you all assholes for it?

Anyways, at the risk of sounding insane, I want to talk about that guy again. I don't know what it is, but he intrigues the hell out of me. He's so intense and mysterious. I still haven't had a chance to really talk to him, though. He seems to have graduated from always reading a book to always watching his video iPod and, yeah, I don't really want to interupt. But it dawned on me today that he totally looks like a hybrid of Ryan Seacrest and a Faith-era George Michael. Can you picture that? Yeah, that's exactly what he looks like. It's insane.

And then for some reason, today I appeared to be channeling Paris Hilton or something, because I said "That's hot" about 20 times. Someone brought doughnuts for everyone? That's hot. It's breaktime? That's hot. The supervisor is freaking out about something? That's hot. I got absolutely no mail yet again? That's hot.

I need to go on the record and say something very important. Grilled cheese and pepperoni sandwiches are the greatest things ever. Oh my god yes. I ended up having one for both lunch and supper last night, then I had one again for lunch today and... oh, you better believe I'm having another one for supper. A varied diet? Not so much. But I'm happy.

2006-04-11 at 2:39 p.m.