Oh No, Can It Be?

Hello! Nothing like an early morning entry to start the day.

So... my day yesterday was pretty good. It was pay day yesterday. Oooooh! And I did indeed end up going to McDonalds after work where I litterally inhaled a Big Mac. Aw man. It was so good I wanted about 17 more. But I restrained myself.

I was also at the mall and looking at pants. I need pants so bad. I'm still wearing a couple pairs of pants that are now, like, 6 sizes too big. It's not pretty. And even my smallest pair of pants are probably a couple sizes too big for me now. So I seriously really need pants. But did I buy any yesterday? No. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Now I wish I had, though. I may have to attempt this again today. Most of my attempts to buy pants end up this way, though. I don't know why I have so many issues with this.

Anyways... there's this guy at work and ... well, I spent my first week there constantly getting him confused with this other guy, but once I got it straight in my head who he was... I find him to be incredibly intriguing. He's pretty quiet, obviously very smart, extremely polite, and he spends most of his spare time at work reading. He's got that whole mysterious thing going on. Also, he happens to be quite good looking. That's always nice.

["So Emu, you should talk to him!"] What? Who are you to tell me what to do?! Actually, I have talked to him. I said "Hi" to him twice, and then "Thank you" when he held the door open for me that one time. So that's... um... 4 words I've said to him. That should be good enough, isn't it? Meh. With time, my pets. A good opportunity has yet to present itself. He's almost always reading and I don't want to interrupt him when he's doing that, because then he'd probably hate me. However, history has shown that I often jump on good opportunities without even realizing what I'm doing, so something may happen soon.

2006-04-08 at 7:15 a.m.