Refusing To Go Soft

Entries where I end up sounding borderline like myself at 14 years old, piss me off enough that I feel the need to come back here for the day's second entry, just to prove that I'm still a hardcore badass.

I killed a man today.

There we go. All better now. I have now redeemed myself.

Anyways... I went downtown this morning. Downtown here is kind of interesting. There are things that are... yeah. Interesting. And then there was the crazy guy who asked me, as I was walking past, "Do you have any spare change in exchange for this pretty rock?" That's a new one. I haven't heard that one before. It wasn't even that great of a rock. And I didn't have any change anyhoo.

By the way, downtown is pretty dead on a Saturday morning. If I had been thinking, I probably would have gone there later on in the day. Like, when there were actually some stores open. Well, I guess there were a few things open when I was there. But for the most part, everything was closed. Go me. So I just walked around and stuff. And the mall was open, so I went in there. That's kind of a crappy mall, though. Overall, my downtown experience could have been better had I used my brain.

I'm tired as hell today, and I don't feel very good. I'm actually seriously considering going to bed right now. What a party animal I am, eh? Wow.

2006-04-08 at 5:51 p.m.