Oh, But In All Honesty, Most Of My Co-Workers Are Okay

Oooh, I don't like my latest cell phone bill. At all. Anyone want to pay it for me?

Anyways... there's this girl I've been talking with a bit at work... she's a little strange, but that seems to be an ongoing trend around here. Anyways, the two of us were spinning around as fast as we could in our chairs (and any job that allows as much time as we had to do such a thing, admittedly isn't much of a job) and I was telling her that she should try walking after spinning around for a few minutes, just to see what happens. But she was all like "Hey, why don't you! Then maybe you'll fall onto someone, and that would be bad." to which I responded "Well, I guess that would depend on who I fell onto. It might be quite enjoyable, actually."

And that's when the whole situation somehow turned into 8th grade. "Omigod, do you have a crush on someone? Tell me! I'll tell you who I like! Well, I'll write it down..." then she wrote down "[Name] is hot!!!" on a piece of paper, and showed it to me. Then when I said "Yeah, I'd agree with that" she was all like "Omigod! That is so cool that you think so too!!" It was rather juvenile. Although it was kind of funny.

And to keep with this theme of the various weird people at work, there seems to be quite the trend going of getting shitfaced the night before, and coming into work all miserable and hung over. There are people who have done this multiple days in a row. I cannot imagine ever being that stupid. Save it for the weekend, idiots.

So my parents are going to be coming down on the Saturday of Easter weekend. Yeah. Might be interesting. But since I didn't want to go up there, they're coming here. I didn't want to travel on the weekend, though. Especially Easter weekend. I'll go see them when my weekends are in the middle of the week, which will be happening soon. I'm looking forward to that, by the way. Having my weekend during the week. I know I'll probably start to hate it after a while but... I don't know, it just appeals to me at this point of my life. Is it sad that I'm actually excited about that?

Anyways... enough of me.

2006-04-05 at 6:48 p.m.