Try Our Newest Scent: Chicken!

So I got another surprise piece of mail from my mom today. I'm not quite sure exactly how her mind works. In the envelope was a coupon for 10% off the train, a Glade plug-in refill, one of those Stott Pilates DVDs you get for free in a box of cereal, the birthday card from Uncle Moneybags that I accidently left at their place, and a $5 bill. Yeah. I swear that Glade thing smells like chicken. And I'm thinking that $5 bill will have to go straight into my Emu-Head Needs Chocolate Fund. But I don't really know what possessed my mom to send this stuff to me. Maybe she's just trying to keep me on my toes.

Brokeback Mountain was released on DVD today, and that was my first (and only) stop after work, to pick it up. And I've watched it already. I still love that movie. But I didn't weep uncontrollably this time, which is good.

Work today was okay. One thing that has been really bothering me the past couple of days is the fact that I have this job, and didn't even try for anything better. I think I was just worn out after a year's worth of job searching elsewhere, so I just dove into the sure thing. And now I have a job that I'm a fair amount of over-qualified for, and not really making a hell of a lot of money. I could have done better. Boo to me for burning myself out too soon. However, on the plus side... I look pretty smart. I mean, people have been coming to me to ask how to do stuff. So... I guess that's something.

Yeah, that thing definitely smells like chicken.

Anyways... Friday is my first pay day, and I'm thinking of celebrating by treating myself to some McGrease. For some reason, I can't stop thinking about having a Big Mac. I mean, inbetween my chocolate and Ramen noodle cravings, that's what I really want. And I don't even like Big Macs. But yet I really want one. I must give in.

Tomorrow is supposed to be absolutely beautiful. I think today was too, but I really didn't spend much time outside. But, yeah, the weather forecast on the news tonight said that it's gonna be 16 degrees tomorrow which is about 61 degrees farenheit, for my metric-challenged friends. It's pretty much my perfect temperature. Any hotter than that, and I start complaining. So I'm hoping to actually do something tomorrow outside, after work. Go for a walk, climb a tree, fly a kite... something like that. Most likely the first option, actually.

2006-04-04 at 6:06 p.m.