Samantha Could Kick Jeannie's Ass Anyway

Hotmail's being mean. It won't let me check my e-mail. Not that I really think I've gotten anything important in the four hours since I checked it last. But that's not the point. The point is that it's not letting me in, and that just makes me want in even more. Damn Hotmail! I expect better service for the $0 a month I spend on them.

Anyways... hello, my beauties. How's it goin'? Don't ask me why I'm here, because I honestly don't know. I'm just wasting time. I'm going to talk to my mom on MSN as soon as she comes on. Whenever that'll be. I think she said 7:00. And... well, I have a lot of time to waste.

How was work today? Well, it was better than yesterday and Monday were. But that's not saying a whole hell of a lot. Um... yeah, but today I actually almost felt confident in what I was doing. Yeah, I was almost there. With time, I know, I'll feel totally confident. Then I'll probably get confident to the point of being arrogant. That's not good. A little bit of self-doubt keeps me grounded. Yep yep yep.

I've been reading a Paddington Bear book because, for some reason, I took the time to pack up and move my old Paddington books here, and I figured the least I could do was read one. That bear is infuriating. I used to love him when I was younger, but now... not so much. If I were the Brown family, I'd be shipping him back to Darkest Peru. It's like how I used to get when I watched I Dream Of Jeannie. I had to stop watching that show for health reasons. Tony should have just stuffed Jeannie back into her bottle and launched her into space. All she did was cause trouble. Much like Paddington Bear.

What really gets me about Paddington, though, is there's no one going "Holy fuck, that bear can talk!!!" Everyone seems almost rather accepting of that fact. It's just not realistic. I mean... yeah, I know it's a children's book. But still. Children need to learn the way the world really is.

Anyways... this was a waste of internet space, but oh well.

2006-03-29 at 6:26 p.m.