Disturbing, Much?

You know, today at work I thought of approximately 50,000 things I wanted to talk about in here, but do you think I can remember what any of them are now?


But, as my faithful readers will know, I've never been one to let a lack of anything to say stop me from writing.

[staring at the computer screen all slack-jawed and stupid for several minutes]

Hmm. Well, I guess I can talk about this. There's this guy at work and... good god. He's like a character out of a movie or something. He is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the nerdiest guy I've ever met. I had no idea guys like him actually existed. He fits every possible nerd stereotype there is. It's hysterical. I mean, don't get me wrong... he seems like a nice guy. Nerdy as hell, mind you. But totally harmless. Uh... but yeah, I'm blown away by him. He's unreal. He's totally off the nerd meter. It's so great to witness.

I went to bed last night at 7:30 because I was just so tired and pissed off. Isn't that a little sad? I thought it was. So I ended up missing Deal Or No Deal, a fact that didn't bother me in the least at the time, but I'm now a little bit upset about. That show is my crack cocaine. If there's a world record for someone screaming "You stupid motherfucker!" at the TV the most times during a one hour program, I probably hold that honour. Plus, the models are always wearing great dresses. The dresses alone make the show worth watching.

Hahaha, an old friend of mine has a picture up on her MSN Space of a bunch of us back in grade 10... other than the hair colour, I don't look any different. I have evolved so little.

Anyhoos... life goes on. Slowly. But it goes on.

2006-03-28 at 6:04 p.m.