This Sounds A Little Bit More Like Me

What a boring stupid tedious awful damn day this was.


Sundays suck. I didn't really want to go anywhere too far, because of the fact that the bus schedule is some kind of fucked up on Sundays (although, in Cracktown's defence, at least it has buses on Sunday... unlike another place I could mention...). And I've already seen everything in this neighbourhood. Although I did go a wanderin' and... man, I have a talent of picking the streets that lead nowhere. Somebody give me a medal.

My mother, who somehow manages to piss me off just as much from over 100km away as she does when she's in the same room, was harping at me to fix my VCR. And why she cares so much about my VCR, I don't know. Even I don't care about my VCR. But she was all like "It'll be an easy fix, just do this!" She's been carrying on about this for a while. So finally I broke down and guess what? It didn't do a damn thing. I really don't care, though. I mean, my VCR still works for playing tapes, it just doesn't work for recording. I don't tape much off of TV anyway. So, like I said... I reeeeeeeeeally don't care.

Oh, and my mom wants me to come home again for Easter. I don't think I want to, though. I mean, I miss my parents and I miss my kitties but... much like last time, it's just too soon. And train tickets don't grow on trees, you know! They must be purchased with my hard earn dollars. Although the train is pretty cheap. But that's not my point. My point is I don't want to come home again so soon. And I can only imagine how crazy the train would be on Easter weekend anyhoo.

I hope I don't sound like I'm being ungrateful or anything. I mean, I know a lot of people's parents are probably all like "Good riddance!" when their children move away, and it's nice to know, although she doesn't say it in so many words, that she misses me. But... oh, the pain. She should just come here. At least there's stuff to do here. I was a little disappointed when I went up for my birthday, and I spent most of the time just staring at the wall.

Anyways... enough of me.

2006-03-26 at 6:11 p.m.