Only Slightly Exaggerating The Hill Situation

So I bet you're all dying to know exactly what it is I got up to yesterday afternoon. Well, I went for a walk and got a little bit carried away... so I was out pretty much the entire afternoon. By the time I got home I was extremely tired and cranky. I would have been less tired and cranky if it weren't for the fact that it seemed like I was constantly walking uphill. Why are there so many hills here? It's not fair. I mean, I'd love to take my bike out but I'm just flat out intimidated by the 17 massive hills within a one block radius of here.

You know, I was thinking... just to change the topic ENTIRELY here... I was watching the Profile on U2 on Much More Music this morning and when Bono was my age, he had already released 2 albums with U2. So how come I haven't released any albums yet? I'm better than Bono is. I'm not better than The Edge, but I'm better than Bono. I should be famous by now.

So the weather is supposed to be absolutely spectacular today, and it looks like it might actually be happening. I suppose I should go out and enjoy it, otherwise I'll regret it later when it's all dark and dreary again. First I need to go grocery shopping because my kitchen is lacking the two major staples of bread and milk. Then, I'll... oh, I don't know. Maybe I'll go somewhere interesting.

2006-03-18 at 8:40 a.m.