Mac & Cheese Attack!

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

So I'm happy to announce that the pots are now washed! Except I went and got one dirty again right away. I made Kraft Dinner which is pretty much the closest to cooking I've done since I got here, unless you count my experimenting with putting various things on bread and throwing it in the toaster oven as cooking. Anyways, now I have leftover Kraft Dinner. I'm hoping Kraft Dinner is like soup, as in it's better the second day. Well, I guess I'll find out later. Something tells me it won't be, though.

At least I have hot dog wieners. Something my mom used to do for me when I was little, but then strongly discouraged me from later on, was boil and cut up a wiener or two and mix it in with the KD. I loved it. If you asked 6 year old me what my favourite food was, I likely would have said "Kwaft Dinner wif hot dogs in it!" I was cute. So I bought some weiners yesterday with the intent of doing just that, and it was pretty darn good.

I'm just a simple girl.

Yesterday afternoon when I went to the mall, I did something very bizarre. I'm not kidding about this. Litterally, I totally zoned out and by the time I realized what I was doing, I had a smoothie in my hand. I guess that was a sign that I could no longer resist the smoothie gods. But I couldn't believe I had done that. I didn't think about it at all. I just went up, bought one, and... yeah. I don't regret it, though, because it was good. But I was thinking... that situation could have been a lot worse. There are a lot worse things I could have done while completely zoned out than buy a smoothie. I guess I'm lucky.

I don't know what I'm doing today, so don't ask. But it'll probably not be very exciting. However, you can almost guarantee that I'll be here writing about it tomorrow. So, until then, my sweet lovelies...

2006-03-17 at 10:18 a.m.