Did I Mention That It's My Birthday Tomorrow?

So I got a very intelligent message on MySpace from some 11 year old kid with the subject line "ummmmmmm yaaaaaaaaaa" and then in the body it read "ur a fag". I think that's why 11 year olds typically aren't allowed on MySpace. But they think they're being so clever if they lie about their age when they sign up. That only works well if you don't say in the "About Me" part of your profile that you're 11, and have several pictures of you looking barely old enough to be in the double digits. I was going to say something about bad spelling too, but actually that seems to be a problem that legitimately affects all ages...

Yesterday I spent my afternoon desk shopping, because my mom wants to buy me a desk for my birthday (which is tomorrow, just to remind you again) and since she forbid me from moving my old desk down here, I figure it's the least she can do. She wanted me to figure out exactly which desk I want so that tomorrow we can just go in and buy it. So that's what I did. I didn't really find the desk of my dreams, because I am a little bit partial to my old desk, but I came across a couple that seemed okay. I'll just be happy to have a desk again because even though this is a laptop computer, I don't like always having to have it in my lap.

Know a couple things I've noticed about Cracktown? Almost everything is on top of a hill. And every mall has an Orange Julius. It's true.

And poor Luna. Luna the Lonely Orca died on Friday. I think that's sad. I think everyone thinks that's sad. It's kind of amazing how that whale touched so many people.

So I'm not sure what I'm doing today. I'll probably just hang out here until afternoon, then go somewhere. Dunno where. I'll figure it out. Then tomorrow is my birthday, and back to Nutty McShitville I go for a couple of days. Crazy. Remind me again why I agreed to go back there?

2006-03-12 at 9:33 a.m.