Payback's A Bitch

So I can't help but notice an ongoing trend here. Everytime I go to the grocery store, there's always something that happens at the check out that irritates me. Like, same thing every time, I pick the lineup that's the shortest... there's usually just one customer and they're in the process of paying as I approach... so I think it'll be all good. But always something happens, like the person's a complete fuck up in some way... they can't find their debit card or they're down to their last $20 dollar bill and they don't want to break it so they run off to find their husband who has the credit card or something like that.

And then today was brilliant. I walk up and the cashier and the customer are both just gabbing away... and I'm just standing there with my carton of skim milk and since only assholes drink skim milk, I can wait until they're damn good and finished. So finally they decide there's nothing else to say and the customer's about to leave when the cashier goes "Oh! Your debit card didn't go through." So I had to stand there even longer while they went through the process again and chatted about how stupid the debit machines are when the transaction doesn't go through. Like, yeah, I'm sure it's the machine's fault.

It's funny, and this has happened to me pretty much all my life, how I go up to a cashier that's talking to someone and they just kind of glance at me, then continue talking. I know this likely happens to a lot of people, but I rarely have it NOT happen to me, like I look like I'm not being serious when I approach them with the intent of buying something. They're just lucky that I'm not the kind of person who gets all bent out of shape over such things. Well, in my few years of having similiar jobs, my customer service skills could be described as sub par at best, so... at the risk of sounding all My Name Is Earl-ish... I'm quite convinced it's karma. So I better start righting my wrongs at my next job.

Anyways, in closing, I just wanted to remind you people that Monday is my birthday. So you still have a few days to get me a present.

2006-03-10 at 10:49 a.m.