My Cell Phone Number Is A Direct Line To God

So the packing is going okay, I guess. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be cursing myself later when I'm unpacking it, though.

Something happened yesterday that I feel bad about. One of those instances where I said something without thinking about how bad it sounded. Okay, as we do most every day, my mom and I went to go see my grandma. However, this time my dad tagged along and that irritated me for a few reasons. So we were all sitting in my grandma's living room and I was just feeling generally irritated because my dad was there, I couldn't stop thinking about how much more packing I had to do, and I just wasn't in the mood for idle conversation. So I was sitting there, just staring at the floor and not saying which was quite rude, especially since in a few days, I'm not going to be seeing my grandma much anymore. But then if that wasn't bad enough, when my mom finally said "Maybe we should go," I blurted out with a "Good! I feel like I'm wasting a collossal amount of time here." Awwww man. Wish I hadn't said that. I felt so bad.

However, we're going back to my grandma's again today and this time it'll just be my mom and I, so add that to the fact that I don't have as much packing to do, and I'll likely be a lot less bitchy.

Last night, one person who apparently couldn't take a hint, ended up calling my cell phone 4 times. The first time I missed it completely because I was on a different floor than my phone was. (Why would I want to keep my cell phone on me anyway?) The second time I was downstairs again so I answered it, and it was someone who sounded both extremely young and extremely drunk. "Uh... what number is this?" "Probably not the number you were going for." "Can you tell me what number it is?" "No." "Okay, thank you!" It was funny. Then a few minutes later it rang again, same person. So I didn't answer it. Then I thought, before the person calls again, I should just shut of my phone. And then this morning when I turned my phone back on, this person had left a voice mail message. 95% of it was completely unintelligible, except for the part that kinda sounded like "...then we can be a family again, Jesus." It was funny. I should have saved it.

And I don't know if anyone noticed, but my Weather Pixie down there now, as well as being slightly more stylish looking than before, is now sporting the Cracktown forecast. How exciting, eh? Yeah.

The snow is still here. Dammit dammit dammit.

2006-02-27 at 9:11 a.m.