That Deaf, Dumb, And Blind Kid Sure Plays A Mean Keno

So yesterday was definitely better than the day before. I still didn't have much of an appetite (which made my trip to the bar that much more interesting... nothing like liquor on an empty stomach, I tells ya), but other than that I was okay. Thank God. Because I couldn't take much more of that chest pain. It made it difficult to live.

So, yeah. Going to the bar was relatively uneventful... I had a couple of drinks and I was beyond good to go. We weren't there all that long because, surprise surprise, it was kinda busy. But it was fun. I enjoyed watching the small but enthusiastic group who were playing Keno. They were really getting into it. But then, I think they were also really getting into something else, which made them get into the Keno that much more.

Don't ask me why I'm up this early. But I seem incapable of sleeping in lately.

Yesterday was kind of funny. My mom and I went out for lunch at a place where my cousin's son works. Like, I'd heard he worked there, but I haven't seen him in almost 2 years (despite living in the same town...) so I didn't realize it was him until I looked at his name tag. He's, like, a man now. It's quite incredible. So I pointed him out to my mom, who also didn't recognize him, and she decided to start waving at him. He waved back, with kind of an unsure look on his face. Then later, when we were closer to him, she said "Hey! How's it going?" and again, with much uncertainty, he was like "Um... fine... you?" And my mom was like "Oh, it's good. It's good. Talk to you later!" When we were leaving I said "Mom... he clearly had no idea who you were." and she said "I know. That's why it's so funny." She's strange.

Anyways... I'm outta here.

2006-02-19 at 9:23 a.m.