More Cushion For Tha Pushin', Babee!


So this week wasn't hugely bad. Tuesday and Wednesday at the temp job went alright, then yesterday and today I was back at the regular job. Back to the temp job probably for all next week, though. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my employer is DAMN lucky I'm so easy going. But yes, yesterday and today were very smooth. I enjoyed very much. I kinda wish I could just go back to the regular job next week but... oh well.

So I went clothes shopping yesterday, because I've gone mad with the power of money. Some crazy part of my brain thinks I currently have too much of it in my bank account and it must be disposed of frivilously. Well I wanted a dress to wear to the Little Chickita's wedding next weekend and while I was there I decided to pick up a couple pairs of capris too, because they were super cute. EXCEPT! EXCEPT! Okay, Emu admits that her weight fluctuates quite a lot and she has recently put on a few pounds. But I thought I was being quite liberal in picking up said capris in a size large. And I didn't bother trying them on in the store or anything. So I get home and... they don't not fit, but at the same time they definitely don't fit very well, were hard to get on and defintely show off my love handles and more of my ass than I would care to share with the general public. So I had a nervous breakdown of sorts, all like "ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT I AM A SIZE EXTRA-LARGE?!" Pisses me off, because I know I'm still relatively thin. At least I have a healthy enough body image to realize that. If the average woman is a size 14 and I'm still a good 4 or 5 sizes smaller and I can barely squeeze myself into a "large" and the largest they go is extra large, then... what the fuck is the point in making clothes that only a small percentage of people can wear?! Shit, son!

ANYHOOS... excuse my ranting there. Just pissed me off, tis all.

Yeah, um... action packed few weekends coming up here. And by "action packed", I mean I have a plan or two. Like this weekend is UFC. And that's all that's really going on. But I consider that to be an actioned packed weekend, cuz I'm lame. Then next weekend my precious old friend the Little Chickita is getting married! *tear* I still can't believe it. So I'm going up to Cracktown for that, still not sure if I'm gonna drag Capital City Guy along because I know he's been spending a lot of time in Cracktown lately and seeing his family too much seems to make him crankier than he normally is. And I don't really want to stay at his parents' place. Plus it's not like he knows the Little Chickita at all. And I haven't really done much of seeing MY friends in Cracktown since... well, pretty much since I moved away from there. And that's quite sad.

Anyways, yeah, and then the weekend after next, there are tentative plans for Thing 1 to come visit. And I'd let her stay here and we could do our trademark drunken therapy sessions like in the old days, because I feel a tiny bit bad for being such a raging bitch the last time she was here. Just a tiny bit bad, though. And... yeah. So this is the kind of stuff you can look forward to reading about in the near future.

I guess that's all I have to say for now. Till next time, my pets...

2009-05-22 at 4:22 p.m.