Oops, Too Late

What the hell is up with the router? And WHY the HELL is Roomie STILL here?! Fuck!!!! Go back to work you annoying annoying man. Or at least shut off the TV for a little while. I'm sick to fucking death of hearing it 24/7.

Anyways, past few days have been very work-less. Had a little mini breakdown over it yesterday... with Capital City Guy... in a crowded restaurant. Go me. It's just IT'S FRUSTRATING! IT'S FRUSTRATING! I feel like I'm being pushed out, and I essentially am. They just lost a huge contract but instead of just properly laying off people, they just kinda leave you hanging with a "We'll call you when there's more work in" but that's never gonna happen again... So yeah, I figure tonight I'll finally start applying for some jobs. See what happens. But the job market is not exactly at its healthiest right now. I have a horrible feeling I'm going to end up working in a grocery store or something. If I'm even that lucky.

So for, like, EVER Capital City Guy and I, along with Giggles and her convict boyfriend, were planning on going to UFC this weekend. EXCEPT despite me talking about this FOREVER and reminding Capital City Guy COUNTLESS TIMES... he forgot it was this weekend, and now has plans to go to Cracktown instead. So I get to go to UFC and be third wheel to Crackhead Giggles and Mr Fresh Outta Prison. I'm so stoked, as you can probably imagine. But, ya see... I don't BREAK PROMISES (unlike some people...). I said I'd go to UFC, and I will. But I'll also probably only have a couple drinks then leave immediately after the fights. I thought about maybe asking Roomie to join us, because I know he usually goes to UFC too but at a different bar... but no, he's pissing me off too much. I haven't even talked to him in, like, a week but I'm fed fucking up with him ALWAYS BEING HERE. Go take a walk or something! Give me a little peace and quiet.

Yeah, basically the only reason why I ended up in the arms of Capital City Guy last night was because I was getting sick of the constant background noise here. And it was alright, we went out for a pitcher of beer and some fries, then we went back to his place and went to bed. It was fine. I did get pretty pissed off about him forgetting about UFC this weekend, though. Considering the number of times I've reminded him and how excited he always gets about it. I mean, I understand he wants to go see his brother who just got back from a trip to Asia but... there was last weekend, there is next weekend... WHY MUST EVERYONE CONSTANTLY RUIN MY LIFE?!?!?!

Overly dramatic enough for ya? Yeah, I thought so.

Meh. So yeah. I can't say I'm really feelin' this whole job search thing right now, but... gah. Need job before I go insane.

2009-01-14 at 4:29 p.m.