Bippity Boppity Boo

So I didn't exactly come down as hard on Capital City Guy as I was originally planning on, mainly cuz I'm a sucker for his little baby face and he was showering me with praises all over the place. But I did tell him that I had fun hanging out with Prince Albert on the weekend and he did seem a bit jealous. Then I spent the night there. He decided that instead of us sleeping on a slope all evening in his bed that sinks in the middle, we'd try the futon in the living room and it was marvelous. So comfy. Much better as a bed than it is as a couch. And this morning he was so capitvated by my beauty and by the fact that I apparently came back from Nutty McShitville sexier than ever that he said he might call me tonight after his 11 hour shift. However, I somehow doubt he will. Cuz he just worked an 11 hour shift today. That's brutal.

I went out shopping with the Female of the former loveless bickering couple... it always starts off okay with her but then she always starts to creep me out and by the end I'm searching everywhere for excuses to get away... We went out to buy Halloween costumes... I saw a really cute Sexy Raggedy Ann costume but it was 90 bucks so I was kinda like "Eh..." Then we went to Value Village and I found an Evil Fairy for 20 bucks. Only thing is I got it home and the dress... holy crap, it's much shorter than it looks on the chick in the picture. Thing only overs about half my ass. It's... it's just not good all over the place. So I'm thinking about what to do now.

Thing 1 is apparently having "boy problems" and she wanted to call me at 11:30 last night to talk about it. And I was like "No. Bedtime." Cuz I'm not a good friend. Also I doubt her boy problems are actually all that problematic. And then today Giggles sent me a couple texts bitching about various things, but I can't be bothered answering. I just don't care about anyone lately. Maybe this is bad but... eh.

I don't see anyone particularly giving a damn about me either. So there.

Okay, Capital City Guy just called, he's coming to pick me up. So... later.

2008-10-15 at 7:45 p.m.