I Want To Make Love To My TV

So again, I have gone multiple days without writing. But again, not a whole helluva lot to report. I did get my new TV, though, and it's a beaute. 19 inch LCD with built in DVD player. The limit my parents set for me was 300 bucks and with taxes this thing came to about $450... but I really wanted it, the cheaper ones just did not fulfill all my fantasies. I got a bonus on my paycheque Thursday, though, of $160 so that covers the overage I'll have to pay. But goddamn, that is one sexxxxxxy TV.

So I've been watching TV. Yesterday afternoon I watched some UFC. Last night I watched Goodfellas on DVD which I bought forever ago but hadn't watched yet because watching movies on my laptop here has proven to be extremely annoying. Then after that I ended up watching the security camera channel for probably longer than any normal human being should... there's 3 cameras in or around my building. I only knew about the one. But, yeah, nothing really happened in the time I was watching that, except for one woman who was standing outside the front door for, like, 5 minutes before she finally got let in. She looked pissed.

So Giggles has been up to absolutely no good. She wanted me to come out with her Friday night but I said no, in favour of a quiet and sober night watching movies with Capital City Guy. And it's a good thing I didn't go... she got completely hammered... drunk dialed me at 2 in the morning (good thing I put my phone on silent at night... but she left me a really weird voicemail) then called me yesterday morning around 10 still semi-drunk. Called me again yesterday afternoon, fully drunk again... but I was napping so I had my phone on silent. Then after I woke up, sent her a text message asking why the fuck she was drunk again, I went on MSN where Chuckles was freaking out because Giggles called her fully plastered at 2 in the afternoon. It's not good. Not good at all. Then sometime between the afternoon and the evening Giggles apparently lost her phone... I had been texting with ADD on and off during the evening and he said that bad stuff was going down with her at the house, so I kept trying to call her and call her and no answer. He was trying to get a hold of her too, but nothing. He heard about all this second-hand from someone else living in the house. So after he was off work he rushed home to make sure she was okay... and she technically was... but she was beyond hammered and didn't know where her phone was. And she told me on Friday there was no way in hell she was getting drunk Saturday night because her Dad was coming to take her out for lunch today and she didn't want to be hungover for that. Ha.

So, if she ever gets her phone back or whatever, I'm going to tell her either she gets her shit together and controls her drinking, or we will no longer be friends. She has a serious serious problem... people have told her this... people have ended their friendships with her because of this... now I have gotten to the point where I'm going to do the same. Because I can't stand what she does.

And in other news... I seem to have found myself having a date with ADD this evening. He wants to take me out, his treat, to some crazy restaurant I've never heard of. I don't reeeeeally want to go out with him but... oh, I dunno. I probably will. Unless I come up with some really great excuse not to. I just don't think I like the guy. Part of it is because he's one of those really outgoing, super friendly guys that everyone likes... and I have a tendency to not like those kinds of people because I have to be different. Also he's just too hip-hop for my tastes. And the technically homeless thing isn't too appealing either. Plus, he's just waaaay too into me, and that's actually a turnoff. So yeah, I have my reasons. But I'll see what the afternoon brings, see how I feel later and yeah... maybe I'll go out with him, maybe I won't.

Enough of me for now.

2008-09-21 at 12:56 p.m.