...And Then The World Exploded

Holyflippincrap so much to say.

Um... dinner last night with the male of the former loveless bickering couple, who I need a shorter nickname for. Good times, good times. We went out for Chinese food, it was really good. Good food, and I like talking to that guy... he's funny. Then he decided to call Capital City Guy to invite him to go out for dessert with us and... that's when all hell broke loose. Capital City Guy just came absolutely unglued on him when we all met up. Certain inappropriate comments he was making about me again, totally in fun though, and just the fact that I think Capital City Guy was a little floored that he'd take me out for dinner alone. So, yeah, that wasn't pretty. But he apologised profusely, Capital City Guy calmed down, we all had ice cream, then Capital City Guy and I went back to his place and I spent the night.

Capital City Guy just phoned... the semi-goth girl and the asshole boyfriend invited us out to see a movie I don't want to see tonight. So I pretty much said no. I used grocery shopping as an excuse which is totally true... if I wanna eat tomorrow, I need to go buy some food. Also... I told him how I felt about her boyfriend last night because he asked me. He didn't disagree with me on my feelings, but he likes the guy so... whatever. And... yeah. After I do my grocery shopping tonight, I'm going to go over to Capital City Guy's place again. He wants to see me. Makes me feel lovely.

In darker news... mere days before she was due to move in with him, Giggles' boyfriend broke up with her. I woke up to this news this morning, and after a few text messages shared between me and her, I went to work all fired up with rage... which actually improved my performance, for the most part. One screw up today, but not nearly to the epic proportions of yesterday so that's good. And I'm allowed to listen to music at work now finally! Gotta remember to take the old mp3 player tomorrow.

Anyways, back to Giggles... yeah. So she's out of a job tomorrow, was due to move down here this weekend to start her new job and now... no place to live. So she's scrambling... she's not gonna let that asshole stop her from moving here and I'm proud of her for how she's handling it. He's written a few messages on my wall and... holy god, I just don't even know what's going through his head. His timing really could not have been much worse. I'm so angry at him, it's quite literally all I can do to stop myself from going to his work right now pounding him. And he's a little guy, so I could probably do it. I just can't believe him. What timing.

In other news... Emu really needs to find her tweezers. Her eyebrows are getting very out of control. Yeeeeesh.

And... yeah. I need to put pants on and go get groceries. I don't even have any food for dinner here. And yes, I'm sitting here without pants. Don't judge me.

2008-07-30 at 5:40 p.m.