Have I Ever Mentioned My Feelings Towards Spicy Foods?

Highlight of my day yesterday? Stepping on a piece of broken glass in my bare feet. THAT SMARTS! Blood everywhere. Luckily after I doctored it up, it doesn't hurt too much to walk on. And the broken glass was my own stupidity... long story behind that. But... yeah. Good times, good times.

Anyways, dinner last night was surprisingly good. It was Capital City Guy and I and his friends, the bickering loveless couple. I stared at the menu forever trying to find the thing that sounded the least offensive and had no mention of curry... so I went with the Butter Chicken and they apparently have the option on all their dishes if you want it mild, medium, or hot... so I went with mild. Cuz Emu no like spicy foods. And, like... it was still a tiiiny bit too spicy for my liking, but it was good. Then the female of the loveless bickering couple said I should try a bit of her Chicken Curry medium spiciness and... I almost died. EMU NO LIKE DA SPICY. And, like, when we walked in there... I thought I was going to vomit, the smell! SPICY! EMU NO LIKEY!!!

But, yeah. After that we went out for gelato (where I got mocked mercilessly for choosing vanilla... fuck, I really am lame, aren't I? MILD! VANILLA!) and went to this arcade where Capital City Guy schooled me at this shooting game then hardcore schooled me twice at air hockey. Sometimes I feel like I'm no good at everything. I suck ass at every game in existance. And... yeah. Then Capital City Guy and I went back to his place... hot sex... sleep.

Now I'm home. And on my way home this morning I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a newspaper to peruse the Help Wanted ads... and I also could not say no to a package of cookies and my new favourite energy drink. If you ever see Premium Pink Energy, I recommend you buy it and drink it. It's tasty goodness. And, yeah, I just ate 6 cookies for breakfast. Then I wonder why I have scurvy.

Today... well, more job hunting. I'm starting to change my mind a bit about wanting a hotel job... I'm still gonna apply for them and I'll take it if it's offered to me, but it's been pointed out that to start I'm going to have the shittiest-assed shifts and... it doesn't really appeal. The female of the loveless bickering couple works three hotel jobs... all nights. She said she could definitely put in a good word for me at any or all of the places she works at. Then I was talking to Mouth on MSN yesterday... apparently her aunt manages a hotel here and she said she'd tell her about me. But... I really don't want to work nights. I don't want to work any later than about 9pm. Whiiiich is why I'm thinking retail again. Pretty much guaranteed not to start much before 9 in the morning or work much later than 9 at night. I'd like to still have a relatively normal life and a relatively normal sleep schedule. That's just how I roll.

I started watching the documentary The Last 48 Hours Of Kurt Cobain online yesterday, I'm gonna finish watching that now. Then have a shower then start the job search. You know... every once in a while I become convinced that I'm gonna be this generation's Kurt Cobain. Except, you know, without the heroin addiction. And hopefully without marrying someone as psycho as Courtney Love.

2008-06-12 at 9:48 a.m.