Live From Capital City, It's Friday Night!

Hello from Capital City! After all day of trying to get connected to the internet, it's finally happened and here I am to tell many a tale.

Um... well actually, there's not much to say. Got to Capital City around 7 last night... came here and paid rent and picked up keys... then spent the night with Capital City Guy. Only thing is... I got my period on the way down here. So I was deadset against having sex with him. And he didn't like that very much. Like... I could tell he was trying to be sympathetic and understanding that I just was not in the mood, for various reasons, but I could also tell he was pretty damn frustrated with me.

So we just slept last night. Then this morning I came over here for a while to try to connect my laptop here to the internet... Roomie had given me the network key to connecting to the internet wirelessly, and... well first of all, there's apparently 17,000 routers in this building. So I had no idea which was his. I tried the key in all of them with no success. Then when I came back here this evening when he was home from work, I was all like "Gah! It doesn't work!" And apparently he had set the wireless connection to be invisible, so that's why none of the networks I had worked... cuz none of them were the right one. So he did something and whammo, I'm online.

So today when I was trying to occupy myself while so cut off from the world, I did a little shopping... bought some groceries and some cleaning supplies. I noticed all he had in the way of bathroom cleaning stuff was that stuff you spray the shower with after you shower so you don't have to actually clean the tub. I will apparently have to take over the duties of cleaning the bathroom. I also snooped around the kitchen and texted my mom, telling her a bunch of things I need that he doesn't have and I wasn't planning to bring of my own... basic fucking things like a kettle. And dishes. Well... he has, like, 4 plates... and a stack of paper ones. I'm not feelin' that. Men are weird.

Then after Capital City Guy was off work, I went over there... but I dunno, I was just super ultra irritated and everything he was doing was kinda pissing me off, and he was getting pissed off that I was getting so bitchy, so I was just like "You know what? I'm gonna leave for a while." So I did. Well, he was inviting all these friends over to play Rock Band... and I just wasn't feeling it. And I didn't want to be the girlfriend who's all like "No, I don't want you hanging out with your friends because I don't want to hang out with your friends" so... yeah. I just left instead. I didn't want to be there. I'll go back in maybe about an hour or so... make an appearance. They'll probably still all be there, spending their Friday night playing a lame-assed video game. IIIII'm not overly impressed by Rock Band. I was watching Capital City Guy play it, and I was just thinking "Wow, it's Guitar Hero... except somehow worse."

I got over Guitar Hero VERY quickly. So I was pretty much immediately over Rock Band.

I'd like to get wasted tonight, but my dad will be here with a carload of my stuff at 10 tomorrow morning, so I'd rather save my getting wasted for tomorrow night. I'll make things up to Capital City Guy by buying him booze. And maybe letting him have sex with me, but I dunno about that. I don't get why a guy would have any interest in having sex with a girl who's bleeding from her crotch anyway. I'd think that would be a turnoff. But apparently he's more than willing to do it.

Enough of me for now. I'll just waste a little more time on the net here, then wander back to his place. Gah.

2008-05-30 at 8:55 p.m.