This Is It

It's been a few days, I guess. Well, let's see here... work has been crap. Blah blah blah. Hate my job, HATE my supervisor... finally at my 5 days off now, though. And I'm heading off to Capital City tomorrow. Probably tomorrow morning. Possibly tomorrow afternoon, depending on whether or not I go out tonight. Chuckles wants me to but I went out last night and I don't know if I feel up to doing it again.

Oh god, last night was a night and a half. I went out with Giggles, because I had promised her we'd go out last night a little while ago. Only thing is I forgot about it, and I had also arranged to hang out with Fish last night. So I went bar hopping with Giggles, got Fish to pick me up around midnight once I was thoroughly buzzed, and him and I went back to his parents' house where he's staying right now and drank some more. He got this beer that I had never seen or heard of before... and it had a rather high alcohol content for a beer. And I was pretty buzzed to start with, then I practically shotgunned a couple of those strong-assed beers, and before you could say "Bob's your uncle", Emu was PLASTERED.

And... yeah, I ended up having drunken sex with Fish. And it wasn't bad. Possibly because I was hammered. Because when I had sex with him the times before, it was always the worst sex ever. Each time getting progressively worse. But yeah, it was pretty good. And I'm pretty sure this doesn't count as cheating, since Capital City Guy is on the polyamory bandwagon again. If he's polyamorous, I get to get polyamorous too. Although I'm not exactly going to volunteer this information to him. Hell no.

But oh god, this morning I felt like hell. Lying in bed with Fish just staring at him, like "Please take me home. Please take me home." Then finally when he dragged his ass out of bed, I threw up outside of the neighbour's house. Then I threw up shortly after I got home. Almost threw up in his car too. It was not fun. Then, yeah, when I got home and was retching for several minutes in the bathroom, my dad was in the rec room across the hall and heard it all, making a few joking comments. Apparently he found the whole thing quite hilarious. I'm glad someone did.

But, yeah, off to Capital City tomorrow. Wow, sex with two different guys on two consecutive days... I'm turning into my old self again. I'm not sure how to feel about that. But whatever. But, yeah... I need to take these few days at Capital City Guy's place to figure out if I still want to be involved with him, because lately I'm not sure. He's really sweet and all that, but I would ideally like to be in a monogamous relationship if at all possible, and I do sometimes get the feeling that he doesn't appreciate me as much as he should. Eh, we'll see. Perhaps me moving to Capital City will make things better. I think he really does have an issue with the distance, way more than I do. And, hey, if I decide that Capital City Guy is not worth my time anymore... at least I'll have Fish down there too. I know he would gladly GLADLY take me. And that kind of just makes me all happy inside.

So I probably won't write again before I leave... and I probably won't write when I'm gone either, because I have issues with logging onto this site on other people's computers... too afraid they'll be able to find out about my alter ego here. So... I'll be back sometime Wednesday. Wish me luck... I really hope I find a place. Because if I don't, I really have no idea what I'll do with myself...

2008-05-03 at 3:12 p.m.