Orange And Black, Eh?

Emu is unsure as to whether or not she likes Diaryland's new look. It's definitely less juvenile now, though. So that's a plus. But everything else... eh, I dunno. And the stats are still pretty slow to load. And it's not like I have a million hits a day. I've had one in the past 24 hours. Shouldn't have taken 5 minutes to find that out.

Anyways... holla. So... not much is up with me. I went out on Saturday night with Giggles... good times were had. We hit up 3 different bars, drank A LOT of beer... Giggles has fast become my new drinking buddy. And she's better than Thing 1 was in the sense that she drinks beer and isn't all "I only drink vodka and diet Coke because it's low calorie"... but she's worse in the sense that she just becomes completely completely gone. And she gets a little violent too. Like on Saturday night she got pissed off, for a reason that I can't remember, and she punched a wall. And her hand looks unbelieveable now. Everyone thinks she probably broke it. But she's fun. We had fun.

We went to watch the UFC pay-per-view fights at the bar, that was the initial reason why we went out. She's really big into the UFC, and I had never seen it before but thought it sounded interesting. And it pretty much was. I like guys who are all over eachother like that. And the great thing about this town, especially if I'm at a redneck bar that's showing UFC... I'm very likely to be the prettiest one there. Heh heh.

Work the past few days has been very up and down. I had the most insane dream last night,though, of my complete and total mental breakdown... it was very vivid, I was feeling that dread, that horror, that "I can't keep doing this" total meltdown that I experienced when I've felt I've had to quit other jobs I've had in the past... except it was at this job. And, like... I'm really not at that point with this job. Mainly cuz of the medication, I think. But no, I'm not at that point... I'm taking steps to ensure that I don't go through that again... it's a horrible, soul crushing, terrible feeling and that feeling has lead to my spontaneous resignation at 3 different jobs with nothing to fall back on... yeah. I do not want to do that again with this job. I refuse to feel like that again, I refuse to let a job do that to me. The dream scared me a lot.

Been talking to Capital City Guy almost every night on MSN... except, of course, he's still doing the thing where he takes 20 minutes to respond to a message. Seriously. We somehow did manage to arrange to hit the bar together on Friday night in Cracktown... my bus is gonna get there about 2 hours before his does, but I can probably kill some time down there waiting for him... and, yeah, get a couple drinks in me and I'm probably gonna start bitching at him for that. Because it's so so SO ANNOYING I could die. I can't even begin to describe my annoyance to you.

Um... so, yeah, anyways... work. I guess I don't have a whole lot to report. My supervisor has been okay to me lately. And when she's nice to me, I love her. She's so tiny and cute. Like today I was asking for her opinion because I ran into a road block and she just stood there staring at my problem saying "That's shitty. That's just so so shitty." And, like, there was a customer 3 feet away. It was funny. But, yeah. She was good today. She stayed out of my hair... just had a quick talk with me when I started, then later I asked her for her help with a couple problems... and, yeah. It was all good in tha hood.

But I have tomorrow off and I'm stoked. I'm gonna go help my mom pick out new glasses... it'll be nice to hang out with her. With her working nights I really haven't seen her much in the past week. So we'll do that, and maybe go out for lunch just her and I as well. I'm happy.

Enough of me and my boringness.

2008-03-03 at 6:44 p.m.