My Birthday Is In A Month

Wow, Facebook is REALLY pissing me off right now.

So here I am. When Facebook fails me, I come to Diaryland... which usually ends up failing me in some way as well. Sometimes I think life fails me. Oh, I'm so emo. Emo Emu.

So stuff is still, like, beyond interesting with me. I haven't seen Fish since last time but we've talked and stuff... he's really sick, probably got my cold... and he seems to be acting like the world's biggest baby. Typical man. I mean, I hate colds too but I don't let them stop me.

I talked to Capital City Guy on MSN for a while tonight... wow. He can say, like, the absolute dirtiest thing ever but still make it seem sweet and cute. I don't know how.

Four Night Stand Guy, once again, almost came here tonight but then he couldn't. However, he did just send me a message saying "I could come at about 4:00 tomorrow morning..." Um, no. Well... he could, but I'd definitely be too busy sleeping to see him.

Great awesome work place gossip going on lately. Like the little love affair going on between a couple co-workers. Juuuuicy. And I found out that another one of my co-workers used to be a $1000 a night prostitute. I think my jaw hit the floor. Apparently she's quite open about it, but this is the first I've heard... maybe because I've never really talked to her about anything besides work issues. But wow. I mean, she wasn't just some whore on a street corner, she was, like, freakin' high class. That's seriously kind of admirable. Respek.

So tomorrow is Valentines Day and I have a "date" with a co-worker... her and I are just gonna hit up a couple bars, have some fun. Neither of us work until the afternoon on Friday so it'll be all good. I'm looking forward to it.

Ugh, I'm tired. Work today was pretty much non-stop. I'm still rearranging my department... and I'm not even half done. It's so much work. And it's just me doing it now, my supervisor is too busy with other things to help me now. It's such a frustrating process but it'll be so worth it by the time it's done. If it ever gets done.

So I get tomorrow off work. Going out for lunch and supper with the 'rents then yeah, off to the bar tomorrow night. Good times, good times.

2008-02-13 at 10:54 p.m.