My Gums Are Bleeding

So I haven't joined the military... yet. But, you know, even with the recruiting fair yesterday... I'm still thinking about it.

I have found myself with a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon, half an hour after I'm off work. Damn, the one day I will not be looking forward to the end of my shift. I haven't gone to the dentist in two years... I can just imagine the damage that has been done during that time. Cuz, like... I never bothered to get a dentist in Cracktown. Despite living just down the street from one. And despite my mom offering to pay for a check-up. So now that I'm back here, my mom is forcing me to go. So she has to pick my tired ass up from work tomorrow and drive me there, because I probably won't be able to walk there in time.

But hey, while I'm downtown tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna pick up a present for Capital City Guy. I was wandering downtown yesterday and saw a couple things that I'm debating about in my head... and hell, I might just get both if I can't decide. I'm excited about this weekend. I actually had a chance to talk to him for a couple hours last night on MSN... it was nice. He's so nice and great and wonderful and he can't wait to see me again. *sigh*

Oh, and 345 Guy made an appearance on MSN again last night. "Get out your webcam." "Um... not right now." "Excuse me?" "I said not right now." "Uh, it wasn't a question, it was a demand." IT WASN'T A QUESTION, IT WAS A DEMAND?! What. An. Asshole. So he's blocked me again after I told him what he could do with his demand there. And, you know... good riddance to bad rubbish. I very very much so wanted to remain friends with him, but he's made it impossible so... I give up. I will admit defeat.

Thing 1 texted me this morning... "I slept with the hot bartender from [a Cracktown bar] last night." Jeez. And she was like "I don't know why it never dawned on me to do that with him before." And... well, at least she's admitting she's a slut now. When she thought I was a slut and she was still perfectly within the norm, that was offensive. Because yeah, sure, I went through a phase but she's always topped me, no matter what she thinks. But, yeah... that bartender... aw man. That guy is hot. She didn't go into detail about how that happened... but I don't understand how she just decided she wanted to have sex with him, and then she did. Surely this guy has hot women hitting on him constantly... and he went for her. Weird.

Yep. So I think that's all I have to report for now.

2008-01-09 at 6:45 p.m.