Nothing Says "I Love You" Like...

Merry Ho Ho Ho and all that shit.

What did I get? I got some chocolates, a pair of socks, a pair of pajama pants, and a bit of money. Presents were unwrapped and I was back in bed by 8 this morning. Good times, good times.

I'm not looking forward to working tomorrow on goddamn Boxing Day (please kill me) but if I can get my shit together early enough, I will check out some Boxing Day sales before I start... Emu still wants a digital camera, and she wants it before she goes to Capital City this weekend. And I have no days off before then so... gotta get it tomorrow. Or Thursday, I guess, I don't start until 1:30 on Thursday. But I'd rather get it tomorrow if I can.

Today blew, Christmas is so goddamn frustrating because there is nothing open. Well, one of the drug stores was open... my parents and I went there today just for something to do. I was looking at the cameras there, but the selection was EXTREMELY limited and I'm not going to buy a camera that's 100 bucks more than I want to spend, just because I could get it today instead of having to wait until tomorrow. However, I did consider it... especially since they had a GREEN camera and... I love green. But, yeah, it was a lot of money.

So we went to the Grandparents house today where they gave my mom $50 and my dad and I $25 each. Still trying to wrap my head around that one. I immediately blew my 25 bucks on a bottle of Baileys. Mainly because I got just buzzed enough at their place that I got it in my head that even more booze would be a fabulous idea. And there were liquor stores open today, which I thought was fabulous. By the way, I love how freely the booze flows at the Grandparents' house, it's the only reason why I go.

I'm freakin' irritated right now. I'm really not happy about having to work tomorrow... 10:30 to 6. I will likely die. And, um... yeah, that's pissing me off. And my parents are pissing me off and life is pissing me off... I cannot wait until this weekend, though. I'm trying not to get too excited, though, because then I'll be all disappointed when nothing lives up to my expectations but... well, at the very least, I'm guaranteed to have sex. And that's pretty damn alright just by itself. Even if nothing else good happens.

Speaking of sex... I got to talking to 345 Guy last night again and I don't know why. Anyways, after we went through over an hour of flinging insults at eachother, he sent me this link to this porn video he REALLY gets off on and... he's the only guy who has ever expressed such a fetish for such things to me, but presumably there's other men out there who feel the same and that scares me but... okay, what is the appeal of a woman gagging while performing oral sex on a guy? Like, 345 Guy is literally OBSESSED with making girls gag on his cock, which could be why he hasn't had sex in over a year and a half, and it's just like, um... the appeal is? I think listening to someone gag is absolutely disturbing. And, yeah, this video was just 15 minutes of a girl performing a very poorly executed (in my opinion, at least) blow job and freakin' gagging all over the place. NOT SEXY.

Anyways... I'm so tired. Enough of me. Hope y'all had a great Christmas.

2007-12-25 at 7:12 p.m.