Fuck You Cracktown. I'm Gone!

Oh god. The past 26 hours or so... Have. Not. Been. Fun.

So I get to Cracktown last night and I'm all cleaning and packing until I collapse... then I wake up this morning and I'm all cleaning and packing until my parents show up with the truck... then once we get most of that loaded the apartment manager comes along with his white glove on and... my god, I almost killed the guy. "This is not good enough, this is not good enough, this is not good enough..." My parents and I spent a solid 2 and a half hours after that cleaning ridiculous things in the apartment... things that were most definitely not clean when I moved in... so I was flipping out all over the place, declaring it wasn't fair that I had to do this when it wasn't done for me... I mean, when I moved in there was a case of broken beer bottles in one of the cupboards. The place was filthy. Lightbulbs were burnt out or missing. I got fucked because the apartment managers then weren't as hardcore as the ones now.

I had to vacuum under the burners on the stove. I had to remove all the moss from the balcony. I had to do things that were ridiculous. However... I am getting some of my damage deposit back. Not all, but some. So... well, whatever. I'm putting it all behind me now.

I took a bunch of pictures today but Facebook is being a douchebag and won't let me upload them. I hope it dies.

I am so exhausted. And I have to get up early tomorrow morning to finish unloading the truck before it has to go back. I'd rather shoot myself in the face. Seriously.

The best part of today was when my mom was moving the bed out of the bedroom and there was a condom wrapper under there. Good times, good times. I was just like "Wow, I hope she didn't notice that." Awwwwwkwarrrrrd.

Once I start unpacking I'm gonna be cursing myself for packing like an idiot. I think even more so than I did with the last move. Because near the end there I was so tired and burnt out that I was just throwing random shit in random boxes. I'll regret it later.

Today I noticed that 345 Guy has kept me in his Top Friends on Facebook, but has moved me down considerably. So I did the same to him. Oh, the games we play... however, I am kind of having a conversation with him right now on MSN... although he's playing World of Warcraft at the same time, so he's not reeeeeal responsive right now. But I was all trying to upload pictures to no avail on Facebook then writing in here, so I'm not real responsive either.

There's lots of reasons why I think 345 Guy and Capital City Guy would get along with eachother if they knew one another and didn't hate eachother because of that whole thing... and yeah, one of those reasons is their mutual love of WoW. Meanwhile, I'm all "Um..." and will never understand the appeal. They also both love Euro metal and are massive computer nerds. What are the odds? What are the odds, I ask ya?

So the beauty of being full time at this store... the rules that come along with the full-timers. Like guaranteed every other weekend off. I like that, that I'm GUARANTEED every second weekend off. What I don't like, though, is that I'm also GUARANTEED to have to work 2 closing shifts per week. And this upcoming week the store starts staying open til 10. So I'm working til 10 on Monday and Friday. Shittay.

Tired. Must go to bed soon. Another big day ahead of me tomorrow. No rest for the wicked.

2007-12-15 at 9:55 p.m.