When The Mom's Start Getting Involved You Know It's Either Getting Serious, Or You're Only About 6 Years Old...

I feel very very very very emotional right now. And I don't know why. Like, after this I'm just going to take a quick shower, go to bed, and cry.

I don't know if it's a bad emotional it's just... it's a lot of it.

So not only am I friends with 345 Guy's mom on Facebook now... he's friends with my mom. His mom and I have sent brief "Hi, how are you?" messages, but he and my mom apparently had quite the conversation, and neither would tell me what was said. I was trying to hack into my mom's Facebook account afterwards. And... yeah. Apparently they both think positively of the other one. This is... um... good?

I think that's about when I started feeling really emotional, though, because it was like... damn, this is starting to get serious. It kinda scares me.

Work today was alright. Goddamn, it flew by like nobody's business. Very busy, but not busy to the point where it was stressful. Just, you know... very steady. I like that.

Some people are such douchebags, though. Holy crap.

Wow. You have no idea how much I just want to cry right now. I think the 345 Guy thing is part of it. Also... I'm just feeling like I really want to go home right now. I'm feeling homesick. Hardcore.

Oh my god, you guys. Oh my god. I can't handle this right now.

Ooooh, I forgot to talk about the CREEPY guy on the bus yesterday who wouldn't stop talking to me. Well, like... I was at the Good Mall waiting for the bus and this guy who was also waiting for the bus just kept staring at me, it freaked me out. Then once we got on the bus, I sat down and he sat on the opposite side about one seat ahead of me. But then a couple minutes later he got up and moved to the seat behind me and he was all like "Is it okay if I sit here? I know some people don't like people sitting behind them." And I was all like "It's okay... whatever..." And... yeah. Just yakkety yak yak and I was trying to be polite, chit chatting with him and all this but... I really really prefer it if people just leave me the hell alone when I'm on the bus. Especially if they're creepy as hell.

So... back to work tomorrow morning. 10:30-4:30. How's that for a shift that appears to have been just randomly pulled out of someone's ass?

Wow. I wish I could be with my mom right now. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THIS?! Why do I miss my mom so hardcore right now? I seriously just need to go shower, cry, and go to bed. Maybe add throwing up somewhere in there too. Preferably before I go to bed, though. So I don't have to get up again.

2007-11-20 at 10:33 p.m.