Yeah, Okay, I'm Giving Up Drinking... And Men


Wow. What a night. So, yeah, and... stuff. Okay. So... went out with Thing 1 and Curly Sue. Thing 1 gets all "I'm leaving soon, I wanna fuck EVERYONE" so she calls Guy out. So we're all at the bar, she's all being a whore sitting on his lap... whateva. I'm drunk enough that I wanna go dance, so I drag Curly Sue out there and I fuckin' grind with Thing 1's ex-boyfriend for a while. That was fun. And... yeah. Then Curly Sue and I both get irritated enough that we leave. I call Thing 1 and she doesn't answer. So I call Guy and he's all "I don't know where the fuck she went, I think she might have gone home." So eventually she calls me all "Yeah... I went home." So thanks for making me go out with you, bitch. Jeeez.

In my anger/frustration, I may have had some guy I semi-know over here who may or may not have given me the friggin' time of my life and oh my god, why aren't I on the pill? I shouldn't be allowed to drink ever.

Then Texty calls me 17,000 times. He called me at 5:30, that's why I'm up right now. He was all drunk as hell... admitted to me that he has a second kid that I didn't know about, and pretty much told me that he once killed someone. The guy is friggin' OBSESSED with me becoming the mother of the kid he has custody of... and also pretty obsessed with impregnating me with his 3rd child. Like... dude. You're 25. Slow down with having 3 kids by 3 different mothers. Come on now. And apparently he called Thing 1 again and this time actually talked to her about me... he wouldn't say what was said, just that I "checked out" and, yeah... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little freaked out right now.

Like... the guy... his heart is in the right place, I know he just wants a good life for him and his son and he seriously just dreams of having a little lady at home, being a little stay-at-home mom, and he wants to be the provider. And that's cool. And he's all "I have so many bitches lined up, but I just want you." First of all... don't call women "bitches", that doesn't exactly sit well with me. And secondly... way to scare the shit out of me, man. Maybe we should go back to where you didn't talk to me at all for a week. That was better.

Yeah, totally, the best part was when he told me he once killed someone. Oooooooh. What a turn on.

Wow, you know... my throat hurts really bad right now, I don't know why. I'm also so tired but... man. I'm too disturbed to sleep now.

Washington Boy is still cute and funny. We chatted again yesterday before I went out. He thinks I'm prettttty. AND! AND! He has no kids. And he's never killed anyone. Washington Boy wins over Texty. BY A LANDSLIDE.

I might just ignore my phone tomorrow when Texty calls... yeah. I think I will.

Sleep now. Sleep important. I need to forget last night... stuff that was done, stuff that I did, people that I did, and crazy things people said to me.

2007-10-21 at 6:28 a.m.