Emu-Head Needs To Start Acting Like Emu-Head Again...

Mouth posted a picture on Facebook of the two of us that she took last night when she was here and... dear god, could I possibly look any more like my mother? Crikey. I think it's my expression more than anything but... jeez. I AM my mother.

Anyways... holla. Done feeling angry and sorry for myself. Not worth it, I've got too many other things in life to be angry about. Like money. And my job. And my itchy leg. I hate when I get all stereotypical crazy woman like that. Always prided myself on not being like that.

So, remember that one night stand I had last month? He didn't actually give me his phone number, but he had used my phone to call his phone to get the phone number of his friend off of a voicemail message (apparently his phone had been crushed by an excavator or something equally as crazy the previous day) and, yeah, the number was still on there. So... I text messaged him. For absolutely noooo reason at all, besides maybe boredom. I was just like "You never added me to Facebook", because he said he would. Oh, Facebook.

And continuing on the topic of Facebook (Facebook rules my life... kinda like Diaryland used to), how much do I still not believe that annoying friend of mine from high school actually now looks like those pictures on her profile? WHO the HELL is her plastic surgeon?! Because sign me the hell up. She's annoying as hell, though, in how she's in a relationship with a different guy every week, and at the end of every week when they break up she always claims to be the most hurt she's ever been in her entire life. At least I'M not THAT annoying with my issues, you gotta grant me that...

This morning I found a Caramilk that I had forgotten I bought. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, that was the greatest thing that's happened to me in quite a while.

So. Anyways. Um... as it stands at the moment, I'm still scheduled to work 10 days straight starting tomorrow. That pretty much makes me depressed more than anything else in the world. I know that I'm going to have to bring it up with management yet again. I want management to maybe take away my Sunday shift, then tack on a Saturday shift at the end of next week. In my head, that's the best way of dealing with this. I will suggest it, me thinks.

2007-08-06 at 5:50 p.m.