

Could I possibly have more MIXED feelings for this guy? I ended up spending a lot of time with him yesterday and today... I'd like him a lot more if he didn't talk so goddamn much... I tend not to like overly talkative people... especially if they're guys. Guys are supposed to be the less vocal of the two sexes. But... yeah. So he'd start to irritate the hell out of me with his just going off about inane bullshit but then we'd have a lovely little quiet moment and it's just... ahh. Like yesterday we were at his cousin's house and we were just lying on the couch... I had my head on his chest and I could just hear his heartbeat gradually get faster and faster and it was just an amazing moment for me.

But, yeah, we also had a moment where I had to stop him and tell him that I was in no condition to be having sex. I mean, I know women probably do have sex when they're having their periods but it's just not something I ever want to do, for several reasons. But he understood, although he was obviously upset but we still did other stuff that I think satisfied him just as well.


Anyways... crazy fucking night, I had to go out with Curly Sue and Thing 1... stupid insane night, apparently the liquor inspectors were out in full force and none of the bars were letting any more than their stupid maximum capacities in, so we were standing outside of that one bar for an hour and 45 minutes... then when we finally got in, I got a text from Squinty saying that he was at this other bar so I ditched them to go see him... only to stand outside of that bar for another 45 minutes before I got in there.

AND THEN! AND THEN! Guess who I saw at that bar. Herpes Guy. I was keeping my eye on him, just because I still think he's a cutie, then when I walked by him I decided to say hi, just cuz I'm friendly. But then he came up to me when I was with Squinty and was just all like "You know... sorry I never replied to that text you sent me and all that, but you just seemed like you were too in to me and I just don't want a relationship at this point in my life..." Whoa, man. Whoa. When the hell did I ever say anything about wanting a relationship with him? And thank you for saying all that infront of Squinty, I could tell he was impressed.

And then... Squinty wanted me to go back with him to his cousin's place after the bar closed. And I was just in such an insane angry sad drunken mood that I was just like "No. You come to my place." And we actually had an argument about this while I was on the phone with Curly Sue, who heard it all and she commented on it today when I saw her... I completely forgot that I fought with him when I was talking to her. Embarassing. But, yeah, he decided to come with me but then he was all like "It would have been easier to go to her place. It would have been easier to go to her place", and I just exploded with "Then you should have told me to just fuck off and just gone there!" Yay, I love that we're fighting already.

But then we came back here and we were lying in bed and I was just extremely upset, because I get upset when I'm drunk, and he was saying all these nice things to me... I wish I could remember them now, but I can't. I just remember they were nice. I think at one point he said something like "You don't need to feel so bad about yourself. Other people deserve to feel bad about themselves, but you're truly not one of them."

Then today. Today he was just pissed off all over the place because of the stupid Sunday bus schedules and how difficult it was making things for him and... ugh. More bickering between us. I wish he had just left me and gone to his cousin's place last night. Even though last night was nice with us in bed together just cuddling and him saying all these nice things to make me feel better... but the rest of that shit I could have done without.

2007-07-22 at 8:14 p.m.