There Is Not Enough Chocolate In The World Right Now...

I need to stop hanging out with all these dumb-assed 19 year olds, I tells ya. Thing 1 and Thing 2 are having this big old fight, except Thing 2 didn't even realize Thing 1 was pissed off at her this morning until Thing 2 and I were chatting on MSN and I mentioned the fact. I thought she knew. I thought it was obvious. But then this whole thing started where Thing 2 called Thing 1 and was like "[Emu-Head] says you're pissed at me" and then Thing 1 called me and said "Why the hell did you tell her that?" and then Angry Girl somehow got informed of all this and called me saying "Don't you dare tell [Thing 2] about the stuff I've said about her!" Christ, are we in grade 8 again? This is redunkulous.

Then I hung out with Thing 1 for a while today... ha, and I flat out ended up telling her that I didn't want to move to the Big City. Because you know what? I really don't. And she was all like "Well, you don't have to if you don't want to" and I said "I know that, but I also know I need to do something so I probably will anyway." Rut deep enough to hang up posters, and all that. But I dunno. I don't really want to move. But I need a swift kick in the ass to encourage me to start doing something with my life and this might be it, despite how, deep down, I really don't wanna go.

I just want everything to be perfect and for me to be happy without me really having to do anything. But by now I am more than aware that that is NOT how life works. Especially my life.

I had a short-assed late shift today... it was alright. I liked how the store manager actually took the time a couple of times to thank me for what I was doing. As I was leaving, she was like "Thank you, we wouldn't have gotten caught up if it weren't for you." See... positive feedback is a good thing. It makes me feel nice. Makes me less want to slash her tires and egg her house.

Ugh, back there tomorrow morning, though. Not impressed. At least they changed my schedule for next week, kinda, giving me the day that I asked for off... now I just have to hope that they remember that for the week after I asked for another 2 days off, otherwise me having that day off will not be of much good. They still have me down as starting at 7:00 for 3 days though... I think tomorrow I'm just going to make the executive decision and cross that all out and write in 8:00 instead. Because they're just flat out not going to get me any earlier than that. Unless someone is willing to pick me up everyday, and that just ain't gonna happen.

Oh. Life is pain. I've felt rather shitty and depressed all day today, but I'm sure I'll get over it. Eventually. When I die.

2007-07-18 at 9:57 p.m.