And I Know There's Something About Me That Just Screams "Islander"

I actually tried e-mailing an entry earlier today while I was at Squinty's place but, for some unknown reason, it didn't work. And I didn't save it at all. So, of course, it was brilliant. And I'll never be able to recapture the essence of it all.

Um, basically though... Squinty shares his little one bedroom apartment with his lesbian roommate who he regularly has sex with. Like, when we were chatting on MSN on Sunday night he said something about how he's had sex with his "lesbian" roommate, and I thought it was just some one time drunken thing or whatever, shit happens... we've all done weird things while under the influence. But... no. Apparently this has been going on for years now. Um... first of all, any lesbian who has sex with a man on a regular basis should have to give up her title. And also... yeah, I mean, they have a one bedroom apartment. Their couch is shit, so the two probably sleep in the same bed. I dunno, his roommate is out of town at the moment. But, um... if things get any more serious between Squinty and I, I can see me having some issues with this.

But I dunno. I do like the guy. He's cute as hell and so funny. And the sex is pretty good. Like... unlike with certain other people I could name, there feels like there's more of an unspoken spiritual connection or something and that it's not just fucking. It's satisfying.

Um, anyways, basically I got to the Big City last night... we went out to a bar, went to get some pizza, went back to his place, smoked a joint, went to bed. Good times were had. Then this morning he had to go to work, so he gave me the extra keys to his place so that I could just come and go as I pleased. I picked a street and just walked down it as far as my little legs could carry me, then walked back. I was gone doing that for about 4 hours total... in the pissing down rain, most of the time. Then I just went back to his place, hung out with his cats, used his computer, and took a nap. Then he came home from work, we went out for Thai food, which was a first for me, then we went back to his place... he's funny, he was all like "I really want to have a nap. We're going to just nap." But then the second we were in bed, he appeared to have no interest in napping anymore. Ha. And, yeah, then he dropped me off at the boat and... that's the end of that chapter.

But, yeah, wandering around the Big City today this feeling of complete fear took over me, and I was just like "I can't live here. There's no way I can live here." I was thisclose to calling Thing 1 right then and there and saying "Uh... find someone else." I don't know what it was... I'm sure I was just overwhelmed. I was born and spent many years living in a city that's technically bigger than the Big City is, but I've spent too much time since then living in places like Cracktown and Nutty McShitville and... yeah. I think I was just overwhelmed by it all.

Transit is more complicated there. Of course. I mean, it's clearly better... while I was walking down the street, I swear a bus passed me about every 5 seconds. But, like, I was trying to figure it out so that I could actually go somewhere today, but it was just too much for me. I think what I'm going to have to do when (if?) I move there is just buy a bus pass and spend a week just riding transit, getting used to how it works and where it goes. Because, damn.

Anyways... 'nuff for now. Overall it was a good little trip. Yep.

2007-07-17 at 11:59 p.m.