And I Can Take Comfort In The Fact That I'm Not As Desperate As My Beloved Curly Sue

Lord help the Emu. She is, once again, smitten. So, yeah, Squinty came to Cracktown... his nickname is going to be Squinty, because he kinda is... and yeah. Smitten kitten. I didn't hang out with him very long because Thing 1, before I got off work and could come downtown to stop her, did some cat tranquilizers (And dude! Cat tranquilizers are for CATS!) and, yeah, she was trippin' pretty bad and feeling pretty sick. So I left with her because I'm a good friend. But I did not like leaving this guy. He's supposed to be calling me later and we'll hang out and go out again tomorrow night. I hope this happens. He seems like he's pretty into me. And I dig that.

Niiiiiiice guy.

Anyways... work today was BRUTAL! And I showed up at the mall about 2 hours before my shift because I was going to give Shit Head (officially that guy's new nickname) his bus back. He told me on the phone last night when he was working today, so I showed up at his store and asked if he was there, just to be told he called in sick. Ugh. So I carted that big ol' toy bus to the mall for nothing. So it's in my locker at work right now, taking up 90% of the space in there, just because I do not want to bring it back here. And I sent him a text message saying he better well come see me at work to claim it. Ugh, I'm so sick of this guy's shit.

On my way to this guy's work, through a part of the mall I don't usually venture in... hey, apparently Bam has a new job. Scared the shit out of me when I saw him. Yeah, looks like he has another sweet job where he just sits on his ass doing nothing and gets paid for it. That guy should try actually working for a goddamn living. Like me.

Yeah, did I mention how brutal work was? Because it totally totally fucking was. And I don't want to go into specifics, because... damn. Harsh.

Curly Sue wants me to come to the bar tomorrow night, and I will drag Squinty along with me if possible, to see this guy... Okay, I love Curly Sue. Her, along with Mouth, Thing 1, and Angry Girl are the people who keep me coming in to that hell hole 5 days a week. But this girl... she made out with this guy back in March and ever since then, has been OBSESSED with him. Even though absolutely nothing has happened since then. So she's all like "[Dude who barely knows she exists] is going to be at [bar that charges an outrageous amount of cover] on Saturday night... wanna come see him?" And I'm all "Of course I do!" I love Curly Sue. That girl needs to get laid BIG TIME. So, yeah, I said I'd be there. It will be good times.

Anyways... I'm buzzed and tired. I wanna go to bed now.

2007-07-07 at 1:33 a.m.