Just Don't Ask Me To Do Stuff For You, And You'll Be Fine

I'm eating a container of Cool Whip right now, and you're not. At least I hope you're not. Because only scurvy-ridden people like myself indulge in snacks like that. Well, it's been in my fridge for a while and these things have only a limited lifetime... I have nothing to put it on... so, yeah, just eating it with a spoon.

Know what happened last night? Thing 1 ended up getting stranded in the Big City. Actually, no, not even in the Big City... in the outskirts of the Big City. Well, she had called me to ask me to check the timings of the bus on the internet so she'd know when she had to catch the bus to make it for the last boat home and... yeah. Either the website was wrong, or I screwed up somewhere (I'm betting on the latter, she kind of caught me at a bad time and when I was in a very horrible scatterbrained state of mind, also I was just getting flat out annoyed at how many times she called me yesterday) and... yeah. The time for the bus was wrong, she missed the ferry. I felt and still do feel extremely shitty about this, because I feel like it's my fault. She keeps telling me it's not, though. But whatever. Still bugs me.

Work today was BRUTAL. That semi-management person, the one who's a total tough bitch hardass hardcore take no shit from no one type... she broke down crying today. Which tells you exactly how bad everything was. I was practically in tears at one point as well. And Curly Sue... I thought she was going to have a complete meltdown. Goddamn, that place is just going to hell.

Heeeey, that guy from Saturday night text messaged me. And I'm happy he mentioned in the message what his name was because... yeah. Definitely did not remember it. So now I have his number... he lives in the Big City, believe it or not... and I remember now remarking on Saturday night, when he told me that, "Oh good, I'll have a boyfriend over there when I move!" Ha. But yeah, he was just like "Call me sometime so that we can hang out." It's all good.

Emu needs to get herself another glass of diet root beer after all that Cool Whip she just consumed. See what I mean about my scurvy? No nutrients anywhere in the food or beverages I consume.

Um... I think that's all I have to say right now. I feel tired.

2007-07-03 at 7:00 p.m.