And This Is What An Evening Nap Does To Me

What the hell was that? I just fell asleep from 7:30 until about 10:15... now I'll likely be awake until 2 or 3 in the morning... then awake again at 6 to go to work... then DOA by the time I get to Nutty McShitville tomorrow night. Brilliant.

I need to ease up on the pepperoni, cheese, and crackers. Like... whoa. I'm eating too much of it. So good, though.

Work today. Um... yeah, that manager pisses me off. Like, you know how some people become managers not because they actually know what they're doing, but just because they're uber good at walking around like they own the place? Yeah. Pisses. Me. Off. All over the place! All. Over. The. Place.


So today was the first time I ever shut off my new cell phone. I shut it off at work on my break because the battery was dying and, as I discovered, it makes a huge horrible noise every once in a while when the battery is dying. Scared the everloving shit out of me. So I shut it off, then turned it back on when I got home and had it plugged in... aw, the happy colourful "HelloMoto" screen made me smile. How can you not end up shouting "HELLOMOTO!!!!!" along with it? If it had been any later on in the evening, I'm sure my neighbours would have called the cops on me and my behaviour.

I want people to stop suggesting that I get a transfer to one of the stores in Big City. Seriously. THAT IS NOT WHY I'M MOVING THERE. You actually want to know the number one reason why I decided to move? Because I think that's the only way I'll be able to ever quit this job. It may seem drastic, but it's true. I've tried to hardcore look for another job here, but it just doesn't work out because... well, that whole "devil you know" thing. However, if I move... I HAVE to quit. And, this may seem overly dramatic on my part but if I end up in Big City working the same job at the same store... I will kill myself. No word of a lie.

There are 13 locations of the store I work at in the greater Big City area. 13. May God have mercy on us all.

I'm starting to get a belly again. Main reason why I need to ease up on that delicious pepperoni/cheese/crackers combo. Emu now owns way too many tighter-type shirts now to start growing a beer belly again. And even though other women wear too-tight shirts for their whole body situation and think they look hot, Emu is not one of them. I'd totally do some sit-ups right now if it weren't for the fact that I'm too tired and lazy and waaay too full of pepperoni, cheese, and crackers.

So. Yes. Um. Enough of me for today. Dunno if I'll write before I leave tomorrow... depends on how busy I am and if I have anything earth shattering to say. Because I definitely have a lot to get done before I leave. So, yeah, either way... I'll be back Sunday afternoon. I'll holla at you bitches then.

2007-06-20 at 10:34 p.m.